(http://www.maws.org.uk/lw2/tim-v-dave t01.jpg) | David deployed first. Massed Irr Bw(I), mainly 6-7 ranks deep. A small-ish Tuareg command in the central dunes, more Bw(I) in reserve with a smattering of Ax and Cv to leaven the mix. Phew - no massed Cv to ride around me. No Exp. I deployed Urien, then the two Sp commands 3-4 deep, covering about 2/3 of the table. The monkish Hd(I) elements were thrown forward as march delay/unreliability insurance. |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/lw2/tim-v-dave t02.jpg) | David's Exp then went down as an unusual troops stratagem, in front of poor Gwallwc's Sp. David lurched forward. |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/lw2/tim-v-dave t03.jpg) | Then it was my go. Both Sp-commands were unreliable. Bol*****! Still, that means they can't be attacked with triggering them, so let's get on with it with Urien shall we? The CinC's Cv and LH pushed out wide left, looking to hook up with the flanking command and/or to outmanoeuvre the unwieldy reserve Bw(I). The rest sat and waited. |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/lw2/tim-v-dave t04.jpg) | Poor PIPs with the Exp meant that they ploughed into the two Sp commands and spurred them into action. I lost a Ps and a few Sp, but disposed of all the Exp. |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/lw2/tim-v-dave t05.jpg) | However, I was looking a mess (elements in all sorts of alignments, in order to get the flanking -1s) and the Bw(I) had pushed up aggressively behind. |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/lw2/tim-v-dave t06.jpg) | Good PIPs at the crucial moment allowed Gwallawc's Sp to reorganise and start toward the Bw(I), and then the pursuit moves from unsuccessful shooting got me closer. |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/lw2/tim-v-dave t07.jpg) | When fighting Bw with Sp (even Sp(I), who don't get a back rank ever) it's crucial to get in at all times, so we pushed in, got aggressive and started removing Bw from the table. |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/lw2/tim-v-dave t08.jpg) | |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/lw2/tim-v-dave t09.jpg) | Meanwhile, the Cm(S) had emerged from the central dune and fell on Morcant's Sp-line. Things did not go well for them (no reserves) and Cm-kebabs were plentiful. |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/lw2/tim-v-dave t09b.jpg) | Finally, the game was decided by the flank-marhc arriving on a 6, so on the rear edge, which meant both than the Wb(F) could turn up almost behind the Bw(I) and that the CinC and his friendly Cv didn't get to flee away from us. The Wb ate the CinC's Bw and the CinC himself was the filler in an SRB sandwich. |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/lw2/tim-v-dave t10.jpg) | I suffered some casualties but not as many as David deserved to inflict! Somewhat surprisingly it was a 25-0 result. |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/lw2/tim-v-dave t11.jpg) | Once I saw David's army I thought that this was a difficult match-up for him. All that Bw(I) is monodimensional and my Sp and Wb were going to be tough for the Bw to cope with. If I were smaller and eliter, he might have had the ability to out-endure me, but we were roughly even. His lack of Cv enabled me to exploit my extra manoeuvrability. Still, if the Exp and/or Bw-shooting had been luckier, things could have got nasty. |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/lw2/tim-v-dave t12.jpg) | |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/lw2/tim-v-dave t13.jpg) |
Tim you are a true hero :)
Spear I are ok but they have to be deployed fairly deep.
Cheers Penda
I have run the Mid saxons in a comp and they were very tough (the spear I) and found against knights they suffered if they wern't 4 deep.
Against other troop types you have to consider what the risks and the supports you have, they are playable but heart in mouth type stuff.
Cheers Penda.