(http://www.maws.org.uk/dbmm/11/Spartan-Selucid-01.JPG) | Deployment the Seleucids deployed first but had to ambushes one behind each hill. 80p gaps between commands the first 1.1 change, not sure about this in a lot of cases this will just slow things down while PIP's are spent to filled the gaps. Can an enemy element march though this? |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/dbmm/11/Spartan-Selucid-02.JPG) | Spartan Army Cmd A C-in-C 1 Reg Sp(S), Reg 9 Sp(S), Reg 10 Sp(O), 4 Ps(S), 4 Ps(O), 4 Ps(I) plus 3ME from the Army camp. 43ME Cmd B C-in-C 1 Reg Sp(S), Reg 7 Sp(S), Reg 8 Sp(O), 4 Ps(S), 4 Ps(O), 4 Ps(I) plus 3ME from the Army camp. 35 ME Cmd B C-in-C 1 Reg Sp(S), Reg 7 Sp(S), Reg 8 Sp(O), 4 Ps(S), 4 Ps(O), 4 Ps(I) plus 3ME from the Army camp. 35 ME total 113ME Not knowing where the rest of the Seleucids are the Spartans deploy wide with large number of Ps to there front to stop march move so the Sp(S) can pick combats in they turn. |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/dbmm/11/Spartan-Selucid-03.JPG) | The pike used there 1st(free) march move plus generals PIP so lapped forward to within 80p of the Ps line in the centre. The Ps when in to combat to see how the Ps(S) did agents a single rank of pike at 3 to 2 no success a few draws and most repulsed. The Ps on the right got in to trouble with Lh(F) supported by 3 Kn(X) all had come out of ambush so the Ps could not get out of there way. The right flank Spartan Ps(I) were face by Cv(O) up hill they survived the 1st round of combat but not the 2nd bar one you recoiled a Cv(O). |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/dbmm/11/Spartan-Selucid-04.JPG) | The centre?s Ps were repulsed but gave the Sp time to wheel to face the pike. The left Spartans forward slowly as the Ps were now in the way. |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/dbmm/11/Spartan-Selucid-05.JPG) | The pike line up with the spears and the El(S) are brought up with a 4 deep column of Wb(S) |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/dbmm/11/Spartan-Selucid-07.JPG) | The Spartan left which receives the lowest PIP dice now gets a 1 the move after also gets a 1 and after that only 2 so its advance is almost stopped as it can't get the Ps out of the way and wheel. |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/dbmm/11/Spartan-Selucid-08.JPG) | The Spartan centre attacks the Pk(O) but combat dice are poor so the push forward in the melee's centre. |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/dbmm/11/Spartan-Selucid-09.JPG) | The Spartan left which receives a few more PIPs so finally turns to the flank |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/dbmm/11/Spartan-Selucid-10.JPG) | The Spartan right flank is now attack by the El(S) and Wb(S) but recoil one elephant and the warband but the Sub-general draws. |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/dbmm/11/Spartan-Selucid-12.JPG) | The Seleucid Ax(S) attack the flank of the Spartan Ps who have been forced to advance out of the way of the spears behind them so never had PIPs to turn. The Ps(S) turn and recoil the Ax(S) |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/dbmm/11/Spartan-Selucid-13.JPG) | The Spartan centre advance on the angled pike block which chooses to lines up even with a double over lap the Sp(S) only recoiled them. The Sp(S) manage to double two pike but are then recoiled the move after but lose 2 Sp(S) one to Kn(X) and one to the pikes. 2 Ax(S) are doubled by Sp(S) the rest give ground to the left flank spear block. |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/dbmm/11/Spartan-Selucid-15.JPG) | The right flank Sp(S) sub-general is destroyed by the El(S) and the Wb(S) take out a Sp(S) and the Kn(X) take two. With the Ps losses this brakes the right Spartan command but the +2 dose not brake the centre. |
(http://www.maws.org.uk/dbmm/11/Spartan-Selucid-16.JPG) | As it was getting late the Spartans took the last bound we started about 8.00pm and finish about 11.30pm. The Spartans did not do any extra damage,so a winning draw to the Seleucids. |