Thanks so much for such a comprehensive and thoughtful reply. I was actually a member of this group a while back but blowed if I can remember the user name or the email address I used so, start again LOL.
I get what you mean about the golf-bag army. It's appeal is the variety of the troop types making it, for me, a more interesting army to play vs say Romans which I like but I used to find somewhat limited in terms of units, deployment and tactics. Double edged sword though as taking too many tools from that box and you end up having to keep to many moving parts in sync. Competitively there's likely no way I'd take Scythed Chariots, Elephants possibly, but I'd have to be putting both on the table in all honesty LOL. I will be using the army mostly against historical opponents or, at the very worst, mostly Book 2 so no Seleucid vs Teutonic Knights etc. For later book encounters I'll be using Later Crusaders, Fatimid/Ayyubid and French 100YW.
No idea how I missed the Agema 0-All. What I think I might do is use Agema figures from FiB (not the fully armoured but still pretty well protected) allowing me to play them as Kn(F) or Kn (X) but for the line cavalry, use some suitable heavy cavalry figures again to be able to play them as Kn(F) alongside some Cataphracts for the Kn (X) upgrade. As you say, good idea to have a mix, and a very good point about the stratagems too.
Good point about the Galatians too, some of these units I tend to skip over when looking at lists, at least at first, when I see they are 1/2 infantry and 1/2 cavalry, certainly more scary for infantry as you say, I'll probably pick up some Roman style anyway, just to have the option. I'm probably not going to fret too much over what percentage of the line cavalry should have been cataphracts given we don't have that much by way of concrete evidence anyway. I'll have a look at Xyston, I can't recall if Xyston is one of ranges bought out by Plastic Soldier Company with planned releases yet to come. Quite surprising really that Forged in Battle don't really do any Macedonian / Greek cavalry unless Companion, Cataphract or Agema, not unless you look at the Bactrians. Have to be careful a little though as living in SE Asia, using too many random companies for single unit purchases gets prohibitively expensive with the postage. I do need some figures from Museum though so I'll look at their older Macedonian offerings too, much as I like the look of the figures the Bronze Age cavalry are a no no.
Was there ever any errata published for DBMM army lists? I'm also doing an Ayyubid/Fatimid army and it's quite surprising to see Abid al Shira classified as Reg Bd even if they are (I). Was more expecting them to be Sp, Ax or even Wb, maybe with Ps support but Bd(I)? Might be better to start another thread given this is a about the Seleucids LOL.
Thanks for the link to the Commentary