Author Topic: AAR Defeat from the Jaws of victory...............  (Read 1890 times)

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Sgt Steiner

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AAR Defeat from the Jaws of victory...............
« on: July 21, 2007, 05:58:13 PM »
Quick AAR ref Gallic vs Marian Roman
400pt game today with Stephen Brittain I used Gauls vs his Romans.

I invaded and terrain saw a huge (2FE) difficult hill plonked in
Stephens middle zone, a couple of small woods and two small rough
hills with a Paved Road completed battlefield.

Stephen deployed first with a line of Legionaries (a mix of BdS &
BdO) supported by fortified Bolt-Shooters with flank resting on the
DH and other flank supported by Cavalry and Light Horse with a few
more Legionaries. The DH was occuppied by Psiloi and Auxillaries. I
deployed 2 Allied generals with a large central Cmd (40 Wb with Ps
and Lch support) and to rear a Cmd of Cavalry and Chariots to sweep
around my left flank (on table). My warriors were all WbO.
Opening moves saw repective mounted Cmds move to flank and Legions
and Warband approach each other. Thankfully both my Allied Cmds were
Roman Art caused a few losses. Hostilities began in earnest when BdS
moved in against my central Wb Cmd (as they were a somwhat disrupted
group due to sponno moves). Wb took a couple of losses but in their
turn detroyed several Elite Legionaries. My mounted Cmd had poor
Pips allowing oppossing Roman cmds to deploy unmolested against one
Gaul Allied Cmd.
The key matchup in the centre saw the Legions in bit of distress
nearing Disheartened status, with Gauls suffering losses but due to
only counting 1/2ME per loss nothing too dangerous. Indeed things
looked very good for the
Gauls.....................until.......................with Romans
tetttering on the brink the Gauls had 5 key combats in their OWN
turn with each being 3 to 2 in favour of Warriors and quick kills
looking almost
assured ....................BUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......... with
uncanny dice rolling managed to lose 4 out of the 5 combats and
indeed lost 4 elements !! (my rolling 1 to Stephens 5 or 6 each
time) the Romans then followed up and in their turn quick-killed
several more Wb for no loss causing the central (CiCs) Gallic Cmd to
break !!!!!!!
In the meantime the Allies had assaulted the DH with a to and fro
battle uphill against Aux and Ps. On other flank my Cavalry and
Allied Wb were dealing well with Roman horse but rather rashly I put
an Allied Gen in his Chariot into melee and of course he ended up
overlapped on both flanks and died, this broke his Cmd and tipped
balance with Gallic army being routed.

Game hinged on that key turn when Gauls failed to win in their own
bound as if they had of either killed some Romans or managed not to
die against the battle was theirs...................but alas not to
This is closest I have come to actually winning a game but yet again
my dice rolls let me down at crucial
juncture.....................the Dice Gods hate my guts !

Still another superbly fun game with lots of exciting die rolling
contests. Dbmm has not thus far failed to be anything but fun for
us. Of course neither of us have used Spear armies yet !!
