I was looking at the idea of a Marian Roman army led by Julius Caesar: the Man would lead the command with the Bd (S), there'd be a command of Bd (O), and a command of lesser troops - possibly Bd (I) - covered by two Art (O) behind TF. I'd also get the Change Deployment stratagem to allow two commands to swap places.
Now the question which occurs to me is this: if I swap Command 3's place, does it take its fortifications with it? I don't see anything in the rules to prevent it, either in the deployment rules or the rules about the stratagem.
It's just that it feels vaguely odd that the palisades trot over from one flank to the other, along with the troops they're protecting. I suppose that in the narrative sense, the initial deployment represents the way the army deployed yesterday rather than this morning as the armies march out again to battle.