Author Topic: Something Etruscans and Neo-Hittites have in common  (Read 3365 times)

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Something Etruscans and Neo-Hittites have in common
« on: September 30, 2011, 02:26:09 PM »
Each of these armies is allowed X chariots per general, in some form or other.

Does this mean those chariots are restricted to that command? Or is it simply a way of calculating the total number to use, and you can assign them freely (within the ally general limits if relevant)?

That is, in the Etruscan League list, you're allowed "Up to 2 [chariots] per general". Does that mean that each command can have no more than 2 chariots (plus the general's chariot)? Or do you total up the number of Etruscan commands, multiply that by 2, and then assign those chariots how you like between the generals (so, for example, two commands might have four chariots each while the other two have none)?

The way I'd prefer to see it done (and probably the way I'd design the army) is the first option - the limit applies for each command.

The reason I ask is that the wording is significantly different for the Companions and Mounted Scouts in the Sub-Roman British army. There it says "2-4 (or 0-2) in each general's command". Now there's no doubt about the restriction here - definitely no swapping allowed.


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Re: Something Etruscans and Neo-Hittites have in common
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2011, 06:08:59 PM »
My reading is that you can divide them any way you want between commands as long as the total number isn't above twice the number of generals.

One may suspect this wasn't intended.


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Re: Something Etruscans and Neo-Hittites have in common
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2011, 08:58:52 PM »
Look at the DBMM clarifications V-1 (i know it's not a legal errata but?)
Which says Chariots are per command for Etruscan ?
As for the the Neo-Hittites from the list fluff.
"Chariot minima and maxima apply separately to each Neo-Hittite or Aramaean contingent"
So i think it's either 1-4 or 4-9 per C-in-C or AGs command and they cann't have anymore than that?
« Last Edit: September 30, 2011, 10:42:29 PM by LAP1964 »


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Re: Something Etruscans and Neo-Hittites have in common
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2011, 07:07:51 PM »
Good catch on the Neo-Hittite / Later Aramaean notes, I just looked at the Etruscan and assumed the NH/LA were the same. This list seems clear enough: each CinC and ally-gen gets his own alotment of chariotry, which has to be in his contingent. A sub can command some or all of the CinC's chariots, but don't get any of his own (except his own element).

Tim Child

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Re: Something Etruscans and Neo-Hittites have in common
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2011, 01:31:46 AM »
For what it's worth, during the drafting of the DBMM Bk 2 SRB Phil originally had 0-4 companions per general.  I pointed out to him that this would allow the player to mass them if desired (potentially with all of the 12 Cv(O) allowed to a post 580AD CinC, Sub and Ally-general massed in the Allied command!)  Phil changed the wording to the way it is now as a consequence.

Tim Child