An element that will not clear the base of a friendly element it passes through....... is placed immediatly beyond the first such element, other friends moving back to make room.
Please take a look at my examples.
In example 1 the LH moves in from behind the group. The LH would normaly ends its move on Sp's C and D, but because Sp D is 'the
first such element' it should end beyond Sp D and before Sp C.
But there are still two possibilities.
In endposition 1A Sp's C,B and A stay in place, but in that case Sp D (not the other friends) is moving back.
In endposition 1B Sp D stays in place, because LH is placed
beyond this element. But in that case the other friends are moving forward (not back).
Both look wrong.
Example 2, LH moving in from the front, has the same difficulties, but endposition 2B looks all right.
Please let me know how to play, is it endsituation 1A or 1B and is it endsituation 2A or 2B.