Author Topic: Alexander vs Hattusili III  (Read 3734 times)

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Alexander vs Hattusili III
« on: May 20, 2007, 05:14:36 PM »
Early on a spring morning to the south of Hattusa - the army of Alexander of Great commanded by Cameron Mather ( 8 ) faced the Hittite Empire commanded by Hattusili III.

The forces were 137 AP for Alexander and 125 for the Hittites (Cameron had a "free" Brilliant general)

At 06:00 the Syrian Cv(S) and Hittite Kn(O) move forward and the mist disperses revealing the enemy

Alexanders plan was simple - Kill Darius the Hittite bloke in a chariot with the big banner

So both lines rolled forward - the Hittite Scout tried to sneak around but the Cretans were dispatched to stop them - The Agrianes move to take the wood and the Thessalians look to exploit a gap in the line.

Cameron checks out and explains the S grading factors  ;D

Battle is joined as the Hittites charge in - the Gasgan warband cut through the Hoplites and the Companions are thrown back - Alexander pushes forward - fierce fighting takes place for the next couple of bounds - a brilliant stroke the next turn fails to kill the Hittite pike - and a 6-1 by the Gasgans take out a Companion and the Macedonians become disheartened. 

A brief success sees the remaining Companions take out the Hittite Kn but the writing is now on the wall

Th Hypaspists are surrounded and wiped out - its now only a matter of time - the Macedonian centre is destroyed along with its left wing and Alexander is now exposed.

The Hittites roll a 6 and surround Alexander with Pk and Gasgan warbands - Alexander is cut down - a crushing defeat 23-2

To be continued ..........