Roll Call
16th-17th June 2012
DBMM 15mm
"Come and have a go if you think you're jihad enough"
The rise of Islam prior to the first Crusade - 622AD to 1074AD
Book 2 - 23,55,57,62,69,83
Book 3 -
Book 4 - 1,2,5
DBMM 25mm
(No catchy title)
Open period - any list
Entries required by the tbc.
The cost is £15 per player. Cost per team of 4 is £55. Players under the age of 18 years are allowed free entry and full time students are allowed entry at half price. Cheques made payable to “BHGS”.
Entry fees and any queries to be addressed to:
BHGS, 28 Poplar Close, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 9EJ.
All correspondence must enclose a stamped addressed envelope, and Players who indicate an e-mail address will receive details via e-mail.
Admission to the tournament is at the sole discretion of the organisers and their decision on all matters is final. An application to enter denotes acceptance of the rules.
New Team Competition Rules
We will continue to combine the club and team competitions in 2011 into a single new team competition. We'll resurrect the club competition if there is enough interest in following years.
Teams may be made up from any group of players, whether from the same club or not and should consist of up to 4 players.
No more than 1 player may be entered in any period. The scores from the team’s players will be added together to determine the team score (multiplied up if necessary so all periods contribute the same potential number of points to the team score).
Team entries can be made by entering the team name on each player's entry or by submitting a team entry sheet with the players of the team listed. A discount will be available for team entries made using the team entry sheet.
The Roll Call shield will be awarded to this year's winners.
Directions, Accommodation and Catering
The competition will be held in the Holywell Middle School, Red Lion Close, Cranfield, Milton Keynes MK43 OJA.
Tea and coffee will be available at the venue. However unlike previous years we cannot offer food, alcoholic or soft drinks.