More by luck than judgement I was able to attend Wintercon again this year. THe competition was DBMM200 using 240 AP armies with a Republican Roman theme. Time limit was 2 hours plus a few random minutes. As usual, I didn't have a suitable army with me, but Peter Barrett offered me his Galatians, which I happily accepted, as in theme a warband army should be quite effective. The theme was likely to throw up plenty of elephants and psiloi, so I took a Pisidian ally to ensure I had plenty of psiloi of my own. As I wasn't expecting to do anything fancy, I prioritised quantity over quality and went for the WbO "less enthusiastic" period, rather than WbS initial conquest period.
My list was
CinC CvO, 15 WbO, 1 CvO chariot, 5 CvO, 3 PsI supporting the cavalry.
Sub CvO, 21 WbO, 3 AxO (Paphlagonians), 1 CvO chariot
Pisidian ally general LHO, 1 LHO, 12 PsS
2 BgeI army baggage.
(all troops are irregular)
The concept of operations was to fight with the warbands, using the other troops to protect the flanks and the CinC's cavalry to take on opposing cavalry if necessary. I would try to narrow the field with difficult terrain so the enemy would not be able to get out of the way of the warband.
Game 1 Vs Karl Hamlyn, Later Carthaginian.
Karl invaded, but had to deploy first. This gave me a big advantage because I could use terrain to reduce the mobility of his LH and also avoid deploying warband in front of the elephants.
Karl deployed between a steep hill and a BUA close to the centreline. His centre was a large command of Spears, Elephants and Gallic Warband. On my left, near the BUA was a command of 5 cavalry and 6 Spanish AxS, on my right, next to the hill was a small command of 5 LH including a subgeneral and 2 PsS.
I set up opposite, with my CinCs cavalry opposing some of his and the Pisidians poised to charge over the steep hill. Much of the CinCs warband had to face cavalry, but I had many ranks against a single rank.
Karl used his better command and control to get some Spanish through the town to outflank me, but I was able to counter this threat with some cavalry. He also managed to outflank my 12 psiloi with his two, but my numbers and dice beat his superior positioning.

In the centre we both advanced to contact and one elephant smashed the single rank of warband in front of it, then a rank of psiloi, but by then had advanced so far that I was able to move warband into contact with its rear and destroy it. The other elephant, after initially bouncing off, destroyed 2 warband and a psiloi, but by then the Galatian warbands had destroyed most of the spears and some of the Gauls, breaking the command. The 1ME penalty broke the LH command, so it was game over, possibly 23-2 though I didn't write it down.