Hi Rochard
>Well I used my Mycenean's last night.
I used mine last week (couple of photos in pics folder in Dbmm Yahoo list)
>The army list was:
Cant remember mine exactly but essentially
CIC with 11 KnF
SG with 12 PkX + 12 PkI, 6 PsO in support 2 KnF and some Irr PsI
SG with same except some extra Irr PsO archers
6 Army Baggage
>I played against Early Achaemanid's
I played Stephen Brittain using Hittite Empire
>It was a good game and the Kn(F) are both manoeverable and effective but Pikes are completely ineffective.
Mine was great fun too with a mass melee of my KnF vs Hittite KnO (oppossing Cmds both broken). The F factor cost me about 6 elements. As you say the PkX/I are rather brittle. Hittites had nasty mix of foot (PkF, Wb) that one of my Pike cmds had to deal with, and succumbed pretty quickly (ie 2 turns)
>And considering Phil wanted to defang bow I don't believe he has achieved this.
Well I think bow are a tad less potent overall in Dbmm than Dbm (where I felt they were like GPMGs !) but BwX is a tough type to deal with to be sure.
>Ah well.
Indeed Minoans are a brittle 2 dimensional army but they look pretty and still fun to field/use.
Not a 'competition' army though
>BTW are you and the Britains going to play in the comps at Warfare or just going for the
>trade show ?? A Cork contingent is also considering travelling....
We are indeed travelling to Warfare and had originally intended to play in Dbmm comp but were very wary ref being allowed carrying figs on flights as hand luggage (no definitive answer from airlines) so will be 'forced' into lead purchase frenzy (our return flight on Sun is around teatime so unlikely we would have time for 4th game anyhow)

Hopefully see you there if you lot travel anyhow ?