Dear all.
I'm learning al lot every game I play, but new queries arise too!

. I would appreciate some help about these questions.
1. Scouting stratagem. What happens if I allocate 3 LH elements and I get 4, 5, and 6? Can I see all enemy ambushers or just the furthest forward?
2. Ambush stratagem. Can I ambush my general element inside a fortified BUA if I hide half its command in such BUA? And can I ambush my general and its Baggage in a wood?
3. Roads. Must a second or third road always cross/join the previous one? Where must those 2000p be calculated from?
4. Can an invader put a Lake and a wood? I read all other terrains are discarded if I put a WW, L, S. Right?
5. Visibility. Troops on a hill can see or be seen from troops not on that hill and within 90? of straight downhill. Sorry, don?t understand the bit of within 90? of straight downhill. . Why an element on flat can?t see an enemy within 90? uphill?
6. Marches. I mustn?t pay extra PIP for finishing my last mach short if my element can be shot at. This means I must stop at 241 p from enemy Bw, but on page 26 is said that ??specifying ?1p? or ?1mm? as the distance is unnecessary as well as implausible?. Ok, I will stop at 240 p and will tell my opponent that I?m NOT at 241 p. The question is will I or will I not be able to charge next bound (they are Cv)?
Thank you very much in advance.