Nobody dies behind Psiloi
However Psiloi will die if the element in front is destroyed (unless it is Psiloi)
p40 Destroyed Elements
"Normally, only a single element is destroyed. However, when an element other than Psiloi is destroyed while in close combat, all friendly elements with any part directly behind are also destroyed if their nearest part is less than the destroyed element?s base depth from its original rear edge, and:
? They are foot, and the destroyed element?s frontal opponent was Warband.
? They are Bows or Shot and the destroyed element?s frontal opponent was Expendables or Knights or Camelry (S).
? They are Psiloi, Hordes or Artillery and the element immediately in front is destroyed.
? They were required by their army list to be double-based with the destroyed element.
? An enemy element?s front edge is in contact with all of their side edge.
? The destroyed element was Elephants or Expendables."
That was the reason for my comment elsewhere about supporting Psiloi do pay a price. If the bloke in front (eg Ax Bd, Sp) dies so do they in either bound whether they are counting as supporting are not.
David Mather