This is my first rules question from britcon. I am sure there are more to come but I can't think of them at the moment.
I have attached a picture which hopefully shows the situation. This question is not from one of my games but one of Esthers so I hope I've got it correct.
Basically the Exp(o) has not been moved or held and so is impetuous. Where does it go?
If it wasn't an expendable it would end up on the flank of the cv(s), but the rules say
Single elements of Expendables, War Wagons or Ships can only move forward or change direction by a pivot or wheel of less than 90o, or a turn of 180o.
Therefore it cannot just turn into the flank and so the next target is the Cv(s) General. However as soon as it starts wheeling towards the general its rear corner moves into the Cv(s) and so it can't wheel towards the general.
Having looked for the bit, which in DBM, would let you move out of line with other troops using a wheel we could not find it. It used to be in the Design Philosophy section but is not any more. Has it moved elsewhere?
So any thoughts on what the exp(o) does?