THe paragraph with "It's direction must be..." tells you the allowed moves.
THe paragraph below, last bullet, tells you when you can stop.
If you choose the "Move its front edge into contact or overlap" option, you can't stop before you are in contact or overlap AND it must be contact or overlap with the element specified. In your example this stops you from contacting the flank of X. The "Stop" criterion will normally be (b).
If you choose "move straight ahead" then you can stop when you contact enemy, including corner to corner. In this case I think the previous bullet obliges you to pivot until parallel (IMO this means the same or opposite facing, not 90 degrees for a flank contact) although then you would not be moving straight ahead, so maybe not. After the end of the sponno move, you might be able to use the 80p extra move to get into front edge contact with the flank and certainly the front.
By the way, this concept that the 80p move is a separate move, not part of the preceeding move, is rather alien to me. So we have tactical, march, spontaneous, outcome and extra moves and you can always add an extra move after any of the other kinds of move. Are you sure it's right?