I am very sorry but I will be asking a good few questions over the next few weeks, I have volunteered to be a playing umpire in our local small DBMM competition. Even though I do get somethings wrong IMHO I am probably have the best understanding of the rules in our area ( club ), I am also hoping not to feature well in the comp.
My first question concerns rear combats. If an element A contacts a column (B,C, D ) in the rear, the rear most element ( B ) does not turn to face and fights on a minus 2 ( fairly straight forward ). Element A wins against B automatically killing it and ( if of an allowed troop type ) follows up into the rear of the next enemy element ( C ). In C's turn can it turn to face A as a move or does it have to survive the combat to be allowed to to turn to face A.
Secondly does an element contacted in the rear have a zone of death to it's front, EG if A was a Knight and the column were Bows if B dies does C ( as the element next in column ) also die.
Sad if I am nearly the best in my area in understanding the rules,