3rd Dynasty of Ur: Which direction does the Amorite Wall face?
West, I believe.
Later Amorite: Is Iasmah-Adad (Inert general) Assyrian? I'm guessing he is given the similarity of the name to the named Assyrian king in the list notes. It's only a minor thing, but there are slight aggression factor and terrain differences between the lists.
Good question. He was the son of Shamshi-Adad, founder of the "Old Assyrian" empire, who installed him as king of Mari. At Shamshi-Adad's death, the kingship at Ashur went to Iasmah-Adad's brother Ishme-Dagan.
The Assyrian options cover, according to the list notes, Shamshi-Adad and his successors - does that mean successors at Ashur only, or also Iasmah-Adad's diadoch state at Mari? Your guess is as good as mine.
Speaking of Later Amorite, the notes mention both Aleppo and Yamhad as dynasties covered. They're the same: Aleppo is strictly the capital city, Yamhad the kingdom (but the later is often also refered to as "Aleppo").