Author Topic: Some Book 1 errata  (Read 24319 times)

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Re: Some Book 1 errata
« Reply #30 on: December 01, 2011, 01:19:14 PM »
Western Chou and Spring and Autumn Chinese: For the post 700BC version of the army, which infantry can the Ps support? The list says one troop type and the notes say another.


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Re: Some Book 1 errata
« Reply #31 on: October 16, 2012, 12:59:33 AM »
List 5, Early Susiana and Elam: The list provides 0-1 sub-general and 0-3 allies. From 2600BC to 1400BC the sub-general is upgraded in line with the C-in-C, while the ally-generals can optionally be upgraded. Then, after 1400BC, the C-in-C is upgraded, and the ally-generals can be upgraded, but there's no mention of the sub-general. Should the sub-general be able to be upgraded in line with the C-in-C after 1400BC?

List 11, Akkadian: The list allows you to choose Sumerian subject or unwilling allies throughout its extent. As the Akkadian list covers 2250BC, should it be possible for the Sumerian allies to include the Hd (O) emergency levies? Or would those troops only be available to armies actually revolting against the Akkadians?

List 9, Early Syrian: The list allows you to choose Sumerian allies throughout its extent. As the Early Syrian list covers 2700BC, should it be possible for the Sumerian allies to be from Kish, and commanded by the Brilliant Agga of Kish?


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Re: Some Book 1 errata
« Reply #32 on: October 17, 2012, 05:02:01 AM »
List 15, Later Amorite: A portion of the sabum qallatum must be "Reg Ax (I) @ 2AP". Is that supposed to be regular at 3AP or irregular at 2AP? I assume the former given that Irr Ax (I) are available elsewhere, and that all other sabum qallatum are regular. But I don't know enough about the period.


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Re: Some Book 1 errata
« Reply #33 on: January 26, 2013, 03:29:44 PM »
List 25, Middle Assyrian and Early Neo-Assyrian. Irr Cm (X) are listed as 9AP, should be 7AP as per rulebook.

(Even that seems a high price to pay for troops that are slow, cost an extra PIP to move, are dead meat against any foot, and dubiously effective against most mounted - their only upside is QK'ing any elephants dumb enough to go near them. There's not even a lot of nellies around in the Ancient Near East.)


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Re: Some Book 1 errata
« Reply #34 on: February 19, 2013, 08:14:30 PM »
List 15, Later Amorite: A portion of the sabum qallatum must be "Reg Ax (I) @ 2AP". Is that supposed to be regular at 3AP or irregular at 2AP? I assume the former given that Irr Ax (I) are available elsewhere, and that all other sabum qallatum are regular. But I don't know enough about the period.
Given that they're differentiated from Reg Ax (O) sabum qallatum by lacking shields (rather than by anything to do with discipline or the like), I think it's safe to assume they're meant to be Reg Ax (I) @3AP.


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Re: Some Book 1 errata
« Reply #35 on: July 03, 2013, 07:31:20 PM »
In 1/23 Vedic Indian, generals in Irr Kn (I) chariots should cost 12 AP if ally, 17 AP otherwise.

Valentinian Victor

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Re: Some Book 1 errata
« Reply #36 on: August 14, 2013, 08:42:05 AM »
List 24- Hittite Empire. This has Home Climate as 'Cool'. It should be 'Warm' as Anatolia rarely goes below the mid to high 50's F in the winter and snow only appears on the mountains (I recently went on holiday to Kusadasi which is in Anatolia, now part of modern Turkey. The locals waxed lyrical about their mild winter climate).


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Re: Some Book 1 errata
« Reply #37 on: August 14, 2013, 11:32:41 AM »
Kusadasi is hardly Anatolia - it's on the Aegean. Go up onto the Anatolian plateau and there is snow on some mountains almost into summer. And its pretty cold at nights up there in summer as well. In winter it is very cold and snowy. Its about 3000 feet above sea level. And that is the Hittite homeland, not the Aegean coast.

Valentinian Victor

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Re: Some Book 1 errata
« Reply #38 on: August 14, 2013, 03:11:35 PM »
I was reliably informed that Hittite influence extended down the Agean coastline at least as far as Bodrum based on remains that have been found.


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Re: Some Book 1 errata
« Reply #39 on: August 15, 2013, 06:08:16 AM »
The Hittites probably reached the sea on the Aegean coast, and definitely in southern Anatolia and in Syria, but the heartland, which the climate classification is based on, was on the Plateau.

Same reason that Mongol Conquest is Cold despite their conquests stretching into every climate zone.

Duncan Head

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Re: Some Book 1 errata
« Reply #40 on: November 24, 2013, 05:41:35 PM »
Another oddity: 1/49 Early Vietnamese have shieldless spearmen as Ps (I). They might make more sense as Ax (I), or perhaps Pk (F), depending on the length of the weapons.
Same short spears as everyone else. They could be Ax(I), but I sort of assumed (back in thev1 DBM list) that the lack of shields reflected a light skirmishing role.


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Re: Some Book 1 errata
« Reply #41 on: November 24, 2013, 06:01:02 PM »
Can you skirmish with a short stabbing spear? Or are these throwing spears?

Possibly relevantly, the Ps (I) spearmen in the Amazonian list were changed to Ax (I) in 'MM, apparently in response to this query of mine:

"Spearmen - Irr Ps (I) @ 1AP" - presumably either the name or the element type is wrong. If they've got throwing spears better call them javelinmen or something.
(That was in 2009 - time flies!)

Duncan Head

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Re: Some Book 1 errata
« Reply #42 on: November 24, 2013, 09:57:46 PM »
They're pointy sticks on small bronze reliefs, that don't show combat scenes. Don't know if they were thrown or thrust, or both.


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Re: Some Book 1 errata
« Reply #43 on: June 02, 2014, 03:23:30 PM »
List 52, Early Hoplite Greek: For the Spartan army at Plataea in 479BC, you must field "Mixed (mostly Peloponnesian) allies". According to the notes, this contingent "...cannot include Thessalians, Thebans, Aitolians, Akarnanians, Argives, Italiots or Siciliots". No mention is made of Ionians. Does this mean the command could be selected as though Ionians, with Cv (O) and Irr Sp (I)?

It seems a bit odd, as I'm pretty sure there were no Ionians at Plataea.


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Re: Some Book 1 errata
« Reply #44 on: June 03, 2014, 05:37:49 PM »
List 52, Early Hoplite Greek: For the Spartan army at Plataea in 479BC, you must field "Mixed (mostly Peloponnesian) allies". According to the notes, this contingent "...cannot include Thessalians, Thebans, Aitolians, Akarnanians, Argives, Italiots or Siciliots". No mention is made of Ionians. Does this mean the command could be selected as though Ionians, with Cv (O) and Irr Sp (I)?

It seems a bit odd, as I'm pretty sure there were no Ionians at Plataea.
Looks like an omission.