Remind me to stay out of rules arguements.
We are agreed that the side contact is a legal contact so therefore can not emtlu as it is already lined up (well kind of agreed).
The lower right green is lined up in close combat with 1st red.
The upper right hand green is not lined up with anything. It is not in any of the "must end" positions defined in the section on moving into close combat. Therefore it can EMTLU (in fact it must, due to the absolute requirement to move into close combat).
upper right green EMTLUS so its front corner lines up with the front corner of 3rd Red (this is the only one it can line up with). Incidentally it will contact the flank of 4th red.
1st and 2nd red are contacted in the flank by lower right green but as 1st red is in frontal close combat it does not turn, and as 1st red is the one in front, neither does 2nd red.
3rd and 4th red are contacted in the flank by upper right green. 4th red is in contact on its rear edge so does not turn to face. 3rd red is the front one of the two elements and its front edge is not in contact with an enemy front edge, so it must turn to face. As 4th red obstructs this, upper right green must move back to make room.
So 'Any element that has been so contacted on it's flank edge by enemy elements' front edges ..............' Which for the front element does not apply as it is in frontal combat.
If an element contacts the flanks of two or more elements and the front turns to face ......... is where I feel that there does not have to be turns to face.
There has been a legal contact, the front element legally contacted by the upper of the 2 Greens does not turn to face (as it has been contacted already by another) so there fore stays in place. The second green element may even be counting as a flank contacting the front element (as some LH can provide rear support) so is in combat even though it's -1 is ignored as one can only get one minus for each flank.
Ok so I am rambling and am very confusing, it maybe a absolute priority for elements to fight in close combat but I really think the upper green is but it's minus on is ignored.
And if this is not allowed then there maybe ramifications in contacting long based elements on the side edge.
You only inflict a -1 for being in close
combat with a flank, not merely in contact. In the position depicted in the original post, the upper right hand green is not in close combat (because it is not lined up) so if for some reason it did not EMTLU it would still not give a -1.
With long based elements:
Warwagons etc are 2 base widths long, so the first element would line up front corner to front corner. The second would have its whole front edge in contact. Technically this is only permitted if lining up with the front corner is obstructed by terrain, enemy or a table edge. This is a flaw in the wording that was not detected in playtest. We can tell from the discussion on long elements with two enemy fighting against the long edge that this kind of contact is intended to be legal.
In 25 mm, chariots etc can have 80 mm deep bases, which is 1 and a bit base widths. In this case the second element attacking the flank would have to EMTLU with anything else in contact, so a contact on a column would end up with the attackers spaced out fighting one element each. IF nothing else was in contact then it could stay where it is as it is not obstructing the other element from lining up with the front corner.