Page 34 bullet 1,
"(a) Bows or Shot lined up directly behind shooters of the same command with the same weapon and of the same grade ... can shoot over them. "
:)I would say that is correct if you have 2
seperate elements of Bw(X),1 behind the other.
(b) allows Bows of a
different grade, i.e. (s) or (O), to shoot over Bw(X) (only) if they are a required DB.
:)As you say there is no list that requires 2 elements of Bw(X) to be DBed,so that would stop them aidding shooting!
(Also nowhere does it state the grade of bows DB with Bw(X),on page 34?)
But we can keep arguing to we are both blue in the face,as we don't know what PB intends untill he chimes in with a reply somewhere.