OK, understood that the Appendix is an interim measure.
Also understood that Ps(I) would be more cost effective.
However, there is a strong part of me that wants to use the Army Lists as a way of understanding the ancient world, instead of just conjuring up a good competition army. I know that I should be looking at source material and not wargames if I want to do that, but in practice 30 years on and off of war games has probably given me a much better understooding of history, and ability to understand history, than the average popular history book.
As an aside, it is a shame that the rules are probably set in stone for a while now. If I had discovered about DBMM before it had gone to press I would have suggested introducing new categories of Ps(F) and Ax(F) specifically for infantry that run with cavalry/knights and chariots - probably "double based" in DBMM terms though I don't like physically doubling basing troops because it makes them too game specific. You could argue for the extra speed in good going on the basis of sometimes riding double or hanging onto the backs of chariots, and just having to be extremely fit to keep up with your boss on the horse in front or get to hear about it later! It would also put them nicely between the (S) and (I) categories. But too late now I suppose *sniff!*