I agree Jim. The problem with DBMM is that many times what is said and what is not in the rules has been decided by Phil himself (at least this is what he says). As there is nothing in the current text specifying it cannot be done, I understad it is permitted, but even Phil is human (I think) so maybe he couldn't see this "unexpected" situation.
Something similar happens with the repulsed combat outcome. Nowhere in the rules says that a repulse move is a close combat outcome only. According to the combat outcome rules (p. 38), Light horse must make a repulse move "...against foot or train" if losing but not doubled. As there is no specifiaction there about close or distant combat, I understood that Bw or Artillery shooting could make LH be repulsed. Then I read the Repulsed rules (p. 41) where it is defined so:
This represents a semi-organized retirement as a body ending out of contact...
This implies that having conctact is a previous necessary condition, but it says what the rule represents, not how has to be played on the table. Here we play it is a close combat only outcome, but I can't find any rule impeding it can be a distant combat one.