I'm afraid I disagree. On page 28 is said that groups can march within 400 of enemy that "...do not contain contiguous non skirmishers elements...". IIRC this rule was specifically created to avoid non skirmisher generals attached to a group of skirmishers stopping marches.
This is, to me, a non-sequitur. Where's the contradiction? What I was trying to communicate is that simply touching without being in corner-to-corner contact does not connote (or transmit) contiguity in a DBx sense.
Pressing forward (against shooting) is
not pursuit (after close combat).
You make an interesting point regarding the absence of the explicit requirement to be in
contact behind an element pressing forward to compel a following element to also press forward. By a literal reading could an element lined up but separated by, say, 800 paces of open space from an element pressing forward be so compelled? I would say it doesn't follow common sense or practice but there is a lack of precision in the rule as written which admits this interpretation. Maybe if it included the word "contiguous" ...