Author Topic: Hunnics vs Patrician Roman Battle Report  (Read 2102 times)

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Hunnics vs Patrician Roman Battle Report
« on: October 20, 2013, 04:59:50 AM »
For this picture heavy report, please visit:

This report is written from the Huns perspective as the history is written by the conqueror.

The Patrician Roman are mostly Regular and has many superior quality troops - Ax(S), Lh(S). Typical roman elite but small army. The Huns are led by Attila aka Scourge of God. It is an irregular with many Lh(S) and Wb. There is also a few Kn(F) to act as shock troops. As an irregular, the Huns has the advantage on number.

The Huns is the attacker so The Romans deploy first. The Huns response by deployment a command 12 Lh(S) as the right flanking force. The center anchor consists the Ostrogothic Kn(F) and Attila's Warband. The Ostrogothic's Ps(O) is aim to occupy the big forest. and Attila and his Lh is act the far right flank.

Unknown to the enemy, the Huns has a fourth command which is on flank march at the left wing. it also boosted with a flank attack strategem which ensure its arrival.

At Bound 1, bioth army advances. The Roman advance their Lh at the right flank to stop the Hun's flanking force. But they soon realise Ps in the forest is a big threat so some of the Lh are deployed just outside the forest to shut down the path.

In the centre both units advances. In the Hun's right flank Attila tried to have a short hook around the responding Roman Cvs

This is the Huns' bound two. Hun's flank arrived. Actually it arrived a bit earlier. The result can be more destructive if it arrived after the Roman committed.

Because of the big forest, some of the Huns Lh need to go through the forest. At that time the Roman's right flank is in trouble as the Huns almost double their number. typical Huns' tactics.

In the centre, both armies advance. Hun's Bw(I) started position themselves at the rim of the forest and give pressure to the Roman Kn(F). You can one unit of Kn(F) had already pushed back by the Bow fire and cannot keep their formation.

Attlia reform his units, observing at the Hun's right flank

Roman Bound 2. The Huns was trying to scare the Roman Lh to run away from the flank charge with numbers. But the Roman is brave and turned to face the flanking force.

Fighting with light troops can be bloody and unpredictable. Probably it is best choice for the Roman at that time.

At the Roman left flank, the Ax(S) is impatient and charged down hill. It is helped with the flank attack of the Cv. The assault failed as the Wb win the dice roll.

Bound Three

The fight at the Roman left flank continues. As some of the Ax(s) lose position. Attila send a few Lh to help the fight with his Wb. A combined attack with the Lh and the Wb.

The Ax(S) failed to flank the Wb before, is killed by the flanking Lh. The Huns are good are picking the wounded.

Hunnic Bound Four

The flanking Huns arrived and started their maneuver to encircle the Roman. Adding insult to injury, the flank Huns got the high ground as well.

In the forest, the Huns Ps started to prepare to flank the Kn(F) who dare to come near the forest.

In the centre, it is not going well for the Huns. The Ax(S) and Bd(0) which are better quality than the Wb started slaughtering them. 1-2 Wb is lose in the fight.

A Frank Kn(F) also lose to Roman due to bad dice roll.

The flanking Huns need to kill faster. The centre may not hold for long!

Roman Bound 4

Some pictures are skipped at the stage. At that time the Roman Lh tried to left 4 elements and started to retreat to the centre.

The bloody battle in the centre went on. The Ax(s) and Bd(o) saved many time by their quality. The Warband keep dying. However, there number hold the line and the Roman cannot break a hole in the combat.

One more Huns Kn(F) lose in combat. However, a flanking charge of PS from the wood helps revenged it.

The next bound will be conclusive!


The battle at the right flank is really bloody. Huns with the advantage of number and terrain. Smashed the Roman Lhs. They are almost broken. The Huns just need to push a little bit.

In the centre and the left flank, not much casualties.

End of Battle

The Huns overran the Roman's right flank. All unfortunate things happens to the Romans all at once. In the centre, the Bw(I) killed a Kn(F), with are one in a six chance.

Fighting disheartened, the Roman infantry started losing 2 Bd(O) and some Ax(S) fell.

With two command broken. The battle concludes with the Hun's as the Victor.

Attila was just observing during the whole battle.