Author Topic: Later Hungarian vs Wallachian Battle Report  (Read 2603 times)

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Later Hungarian vs Wallachian Battle Report
« on: October 23, 2013, 01:54:41 AM »
Later Hungarian vs Wallachian Battle Report

For full picture heavy full report, please refer to:

Initial Deployment

This battle is written from the view point of the Hungarian side. It is a 500 pts battle with Ng sir and Albert commanding the Wallachian and Chu sir commanding the Hungarian.

The CinC in the Wallachian side is Count Dracula. However, he is the real Dracula in the history with no overpowered magic to win the battle in one turn. The Wallachian got a lot of Bw(I) and lack of mobility. We decided to for a deep formation to concentrate the force.

The Hungarian got a lot of nice toys. War wagon which is the bane of our archers. DB Kn(S) which can lay waste for everthing that stands before them.

Without the enemy's knowing, the Wallachian set an ambush in the wood and leave nearby area wide open with just a small force to invite the Hungarian to come in. The battle begins!

Wallachian Bound 1

Walachian tried to use Double Envelopment

At the right left, the Hungarian left only 2 Lh to try to slow down our advance. Actually, a group of Lh cannot stop us for marching forward. Ng sir then spilt his Lh flank, send 4 to go around the wood and tried to march to the back of the enemy's rear. A wise decision which a doubled them in number. The rest of the Lh then move forward and try to lure the Hungarian near the wood.

In the centre, Dracula send in his "dare to die" zombies, sorry it should be Bw(I) at the frontline. Together with the Art(S), it is a new tactics he wanna try on the Hungarians.

Dracula himself also lead his Cv in the frontline, boosting the morale of the troops

At the right flank, the Lh and Ps march forward without any enemy to stop them. The Lh's aim is to swing around the wood and hit the enemy's camp.

Bound 2

At the far most left flank, the two Hungarian charge into the Wallachian Lh. It is a wise choice - to hit the enemy before they can expand. The Hungarian also start push their army ahead. Some of them expanded to chase the Lh bait. Some of them push ahead against the Wallachian battleline.

The Wallachian started to feel the pressure - Especially from the db Kn(S). To boost morale, the dare to die Bw(I) shoot the first arrow at the Lh in the centre. The Lh was shot down and the Wallachain got the first blood.

At the right, the Wallachain Lh marched quickly. The Hungarian got a high PiP and responded sending a group 4 Ps to try to stall them.

Wallachian Bound 3

At the left flank, one Hungarian Lh fell as one Lh was sent into wood to overlap him.

A Hungarian Lh charged a group of Bw(I) at the centre. But he failed and flee, leaving the Bw(I) free to fire. The WWG fired at one of the Bw(I) who moved off from the cannon path and kille it. Raaawrrr it will avenged soon.

Together with the Art(s), the Bw(I) formed the deadly cross fire triangle - Primary shoot from the Art(S), aid shooter and support shooter from the Bw(I). This is the tactics Dracula want to try out. We aimed at the war wagon who dare to come into range of the Art(S). and the score is 5 v 3 and it is easy to quick kill the WWG. Kaboommm.

Bound 4

Wallachian Ps(O) in abmush spring trap and attack Hungarian light horse in rear

The battle started to heat up. In the left flank the battle between the Lh and Ps begun. The battle of the light troops are always bloody.

The Wallachian sprung the trap and a group of PS appeared from the wood. One of them even charged at the flank of the advancing Lh. However, the dice was not good for the Wallachian and 2 Lhs died even with the advantage. The Hungarian also sent more Lh to stop the Wallachian at the very left flank.

In the centre the Hungarian Kn(S) was so blood thirsty. They started charging and started the killing. The Wallachian sent one of the crusader Kn(O) to help the fight. Actually the Hungarian make one mistake as it ignored the dare to die Bw(I), which is now at the back of the Kn(S).

In the next bound the Wallachian just need 3 pips and we can charge the Kn(S) with the Kn(O) in the front and Bw(I) at the back. With the deadly sandwich we can quick kill the monster with a 4 v 3 quick kill. But I rolled a 1. Even if I rolled a 2, I can make it as 4 with a brilliant stroke. Rats!

There is also a Hungarian flank march from the right flank. However, it is not much a threat as there is a difficult hill blocking the way and we have a mass of Bw(I) waiting. Moreover, there are units of Ps and Draco's Cv to respond.

At the left flank the Lh expanded and ready to slaughter the outnumbered Ps.

Bound 6

Forming a deadly crossfire with Bw(I), I aim my cannon at the ass of the db Kn(s). And the back of the db Kn(S) is Kn(I). Their butt is sioft haha. With a core of 4 v 3 and so +2 for S and -1 for I, the cannon fired an blow the Kn(S) into pieces. That's we call revenge in style.

The Art(S) is the star in this game, it kill also one per round with the combined fire with the Bw(I), thining the advancing infantry

At the right flank the Wallachian Ps and Dracula engaged the flanking unit. Dracula with 2 brilliant stroke on hand killed 4 Lh together with the enemy sub-general.

At the back of the battleline, Ng sir's Lh won the battle and sent 5 to the back of the Bw(I) and 2 the loot the camp.

Camp looted.

In the centre, the Hungarian lose one more Kn(S) which the lucky strike from the Bw(I). The Hungarian sounded the horn with 2 command broken.

End Game (probably Bound Eight)

Hungarian army was broken

It was a good game and we all enjoyed it.

Butcher Bills

The Hungarian casualty. The Lh are killed in close combat. All others are mostly killed by bow or artillery.

The Wallachian casualty. The Kn(o) is a painful loss. The five dare to die Bw(I)'s sacrifice is worth it as it help to produce a lot of opportunity fire.


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Re: Later Hungarian vs Wallachian Battle Report
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2014, 10:58:08 AM »
good report. Must have been a friendly game - not sure so many BwI would work in open competition. You used less than the 24 LhS?


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Re: Later Hungarian vs Wallachian Battle Report
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2014, 02:12:28 PM »
Yes, it is a friendly game.  We have played DBMM once per week in Hong Kong.

Bye for now.