Ghaznavids at the Swabian Open part 1
The Swabian Open takes place at the start of each year in Ludwigsburg near Stuttgart. The venue is a YHA hostel and the package includes accommodation and food, 4 games (plus practice or a scenario game on the Friday night) and a cultural tour to somewhere of either historical or gaming interest (this year to a game museum). Size-wise it is about the same as the Munster Open (that's the Munster in Ireland, not the one in Germany), which is normally either on or close to the same weekend.
This year the theme was Book 4 dates. I took a late date Ghaznavid army (all regular except where noted):
CinC CvS, 2 Palace Ghulams CvS, 8 Turks Irr LHS, 4 Arabs Irr CvO, 1 ArtS, (2 Irr BgeI) 23 ME
Sub1 CvS, 5 Other Ghulams CvS, 5 Other Ghulams CvO, (2 Irr BgeI) 21 ME
Sub2 CvS, 3 Other Ghulams CvS, 4 Other Ghulams CvO, 6 Dailami AxS, 3 Dailami PsO, (2 Irr BgeI) 23.5 ME
6 Irr BgeI army baggage 6 ME
Taking a cavalry army to a knight-and-longbow-fest may seem a strange choice. However, I was travelling to Australia immediately after the competition for CANCON the following weekend and to keep the baggage down I had designed the army using mainly figures from the Khazar DBMM and FOG armies that I would be using there, plus Saracen infantry from my Sicilian army posing as Dailami.
Game 1 vs Arnim Lueck, Early Russian
Over the course of the weekend Arnim was the perfect host, making life as comfortable and easy for me as he could, but he certainly didn't make things easy for me during this game. I invaded and he cut off a third of the table with two woods and a BUA. This meant the battle would largely be a frontal clash, which he would probably win, having similar troop types to me, but more of them. There was no significant weather.
Arnim deployed from (my) left to right:
Mordvin ally, 4 AxO, 4 PsO, 2CvO (unreliable all game)
Subgeneral, 12 Irr SpO, 6 PsO (supporting the spears)
Subgeneral, 8 CvO, 6 HdO (set back as a reserve)
CinC, 12 CvO, 3 LHO, 8 Kn in 4 double-based wedges. The knights were slightly behind the cavalry.
6 army baggage were protected by the hordes.
I deployed Cin C central, Dailami to the left and the large cavalry command to the right.

On his first couple of bounds Arnim moved his CinCs cavalry to my right to make space for the knights advance and brought up the cavalry reserve. I calculated that these two commands would be half of the army and decided to concentrate on killing them while ignoring the spears as much as possible.
I used the CinC's high PIP dice to move the artillery forward and shift most of his cavalry right to overlap the Russian line. Although the knight wedges were in front of the artillery, Arnim stopped me shooting at them by employing the reserve cavalry as human (and equine) shields, losing three of these elements as a result. He also moved some of the spearmen across, but by this time I had let my light horse block my shots rather than allow the knights too much space. Otherwise they could have turned the flank of my main cavalry command.

After a shaky start on the right, my 8 CvO plus 8 CvS including 2 generals gained the upper hand against the Russian 12 CvO plus 2 LHO. In the centre the Turkish light horse were finding the knight wedges tougher than they could handle and my artillery had recoiled due to sponno troops passing through so couldn't shoot for 3 turns (I subsequently discovered that train do not recoil in this situation). On the left my cavalry failed to kill any more of the Russian cavalry and the spearmen finally made contact with the Dailami.

Ghaznavid casualties were now accumulating alarmingly in the centre and on the left and the Russian reserve cavalry that I was intending to kill had either retreated behind the spears or eliminated any significant threats. On the right I pulled out some of my cavalry and put both of my generals into combat as I urgently needed to break this command. One of my Palace Ghulams had attacked the single LH protecting the Russian flank, but another LH appeared from nowhere (actually it had been hiding amongst the cavalry) as an overlap.

This overlapped Palace Ghulam element was destroyed, breaking the CinC's command and the 2 ME loss transmission broke the Dailami command. Meanwhile my subgeneral killed the Russian CinC, breaking his command, which disheartened their reserve cavalry. A net result of 9-16 and I needed a better plan to deal with double-based slow knight wedges than throwing LH(S) at them.

Lawrence Greaves