Author Topic: Errata - Book 3 2nd edition  (Read 4059 times)

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Errata - Book 3 2nd edition
« on: March 09, 2017, 01:17:20 PM »
Here are some errata from the new version of Book 3.

This first lot are errata carried over from the first edition which weren't addressed...

3/17 – Maurikian Byzantine: How do you calculate an ally contingent for LPIA, if you field 4 of the 9-12 Kavallarioi as Cursores?

3/34 – Andalusian: Didn’t need to use the N word when “black” or “African” are perfectly acceptable substitutes.

3/65 – Nikephorian Byzantine: The restriction on using Lombards with Klibanophoroi is pointless as the list separates them geographically anyway. But does it mean the Rus allies should also be geographically localised?

3/74 – Seljuq Turk: Can Turkoman ally generals command “Turkish” foot?

3/75 – Islamic Berber: Didn’t need to use the N word when “black” or “African” are perfectly acceptable substitutes.

= = = =

On top of that, there are errors which have appeared in the new list books, thanks to changes which have been made.

3/19 – Welsh: How is Owain Glyndwr to be used as an Ally? He’s specifically listed as North Welsh, and the only ally the English can get is South Welsh.

3/22 – Maya: The restriction preventing Ah Camul and Toltec-Chichimecs together is pointless as they’re temporally distinct.

3/24 – Middle Anglo-Saxon: The restriction preventing Sp (I) from supporting Sp (O) is pointless as there aren’t any Sp (O) in the list.

3/73 – Communal Italian: Can Caroccio be used in allied contingents in Papal Italian army if the player wishes?
« Last Edit: June 12, 2017, 02:28:20 AM by Barritus »


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Re: Errata - Book 3 2nd edition
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2017, 01:54:19 PM »
Middle Anglo Saxon: according to the list, the Bts can only take Sp. Should they be able to take Bd instead?


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Re: Errata - Book 3 2nd edition
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2017, 10:57:57 AM »
Viking and Leidang: The C-in-C must be Bd (O) from 850BC?


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Re: Errata - Book 3 2nd edition
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2017, 04:56:46 AM »
Late T'ang and Five Dynasties: The Turkish Irr LH (S) are marked as being available to the Later T'ang. Shouldn't that be Late T'ang, given that the Later T'ang are a different list altogether?


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Re: Errata - Book 3 2nd edition
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2017, 05:03:42 AM »
Buyid and other Dailami Dynasties: Is it intended that Insubordinate Dailami Ax and Bw are downgraded to irregular but not the Ps?

Also, the restriction preventing you from using Dailami Cv if extra Ghulams are used is pointless, given they can’t be used in the same army.


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Re: Errata - Book 3 2nd edition
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2017, 03:40:38 PM »
3/34 – Andalusian: Didn’t need to use the N word when “black” or “African” are perfectly acceptable substitutes.
3/75 – Islamic Berber: Didn’t need to use the N word when “black” or “African” are perfectly acceptable substitutes.
"African" would be absurd, as both lists have plenty of non-black (North) African troops.


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Re: Errata - Book 3 2nd edition
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2017, 02:30:30 AM »
Why are the Spanish allies in the Maya list given regular baggage? They don't get it in the other American lists where they're allies, and it provides no additional benefit over irregular baggage (all baggage for allies counts as 1 ME per element).


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Re: Errata - Book 3 2nd edition
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2017, 04:31:30 AM »
3/34 – Andalusian: Didn’t need to use the N word when “black” or “African” are perfectly acceptable substitutes.
3/75 – Islamic Berber: Didn’t need to use the N word when “black” or “African” are perfectly acceptable substitutes.
"African" would be absurd, as both lists have plenty of non-black (North) African troops.

This was discussed at length and Phils's conclusion is at:
If Martin Luther King considered "Negro" acceptable, that should be good
enough for anyone.



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Re: Errata - Book 3 2nd edition
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2017, 01:27:11 PM »
Okay, so a few things about the Welsh list.

Why is Owen Glendower given the option to be an ally? In which army can the North Welsh be an ally at that time? Or are the South Welsh allies in the HYW English army supposed to be North Welsh?

Feudal English allies are available from 1150, even though the FE list doesn’t start until 1181…?

Can the HYW English use Welsh allies in France? Or is there a missing (B)? And if so, presumably they can’t be used if the king is C-in-C, as they allied only with the king’s enemies?

And is it intended that South Welsh allies after 1118/1169 can have up to half their spearmen continue as Wb (F) until the end of the list? That’s a cheap and handy anti-infantry force for any armies including that contingent.


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Re: Errata - Book 3 2nd edition
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2017, 01:31:02 AM »
Papal Italian and Communal Italian seem to contradict each other when it comes to carroccios. *

The Papal Italian list notes say this about their compulsory Communal Italian allies:
[Communal Italian allies] need not include Bge (S)...

That language indicates to me that the Bge (S) is optional.

But the Communal Italian list itself says:
Carroccio standard (unless ally contingent) - Reg Bge (S) @ 6AP      1

The word "unless" to me reads as a prevention, meaning in this case that it's the opposite of compulsory, or in other words "not allowed".

Should I instead read "unless" to instead mean "not compulsory", or in other words "optional"?

* Yes, okay, not the greatest list in the books, but it has its charms as well as its historical fascination.


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Re: Errata - Book 3 2nd edition
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2017, 04:42:04 AM »
Oh, and the list book costs the Papal Italian Gal (O) @ 3 AP when they should be 5 AP.

And does it need to be specified that if you take Inert Leo IX he has to be Bge (S), and not a Kn (F) gonfalonier?
« Last Edit: September 11, 2017, 01:51:33 PM by Barritus »