Author Topic: Ugaritic Generals now regular ?  (Read 3298 times)

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Ugaritic Generals now regular ?
« on: August 03, 2007, 08:51:19 PM »
One of my favourite armies is the Syro/Canaanite/Ugaritic list.

I've been thinking about what the Army list change :- Royal Maryannu are now Reg Cv(S), Provincial are Irr Cv(O) means to the army. I agree with the logic of the change :-
- all other lists have Cv(S) chariots as REgulars
- Chariots where mean to be manouverable rather than stationary archery platforms which is what Irr Cv(S) seemed to be assumed to be.

Presumably this means that the generals for this army are therefore now regular ?

What does this imply for the 3 man, 3 horse chariots - rated as Irr Kn(O). Should these also become regulars ?  It would make sense if they do - as this keeps the "Royal" cjariots regular and rates them as comparable to Hittite chariots.

Any thoughts ?