I played one game at Ladywood which was at 25/28mm at 240 AP
This was to be my 9 years old (Cameron) first major outing to the wargames scene so we were using his Alexandrian Macedonian army.
On the other side were Gordons hastily (but looking nice) put together Early Imperial Romans - we had been due to play Sues Vikings but owing to Phils illness they had been unable to make it.
Alexs army had been loosely modelled around Gaugemala and was constructed as follows
Alexander Reg Kn(F) SBW (BRILLIANT)
3 Reg Kn(F) Companions SBW
1 Prodromoi Reg LH(S)
1 Paionian Irr LH(O)
1 Agrianian Javelinman Reg Ps(S)
1 Cretan/macedonian Reg Ps(O)
Craterus ? Reg Pk(O)
4 Hypaspists Reg Pk (S)
11 Phalangites Pk(O)
4 Thracians Irr Ax(S)
Parmenion Reg Cv(O)
3 Thessalian Cav Reg Cv (O)
1 Greek Cav Reg Cv(I)
1 Thracian Irr LH(O)
1 Greek Peltast Reg Ax(O)
1 Cretan/Macedonian Reg Ps(O)
3 x Irr Bg(O) Army Baggage
Gordons EIR
C-In-C Reg Cv(O)
12 Legionaries Reg Bd(O)
Sub Reg Cv(O)
4 Equites Reg Cv(O)
2 Numidians Irr LH(O)
Sub Reg Cv(O)
8 Auxilia Reg Ax(S)
3 Psiloi Reg Ps(O)
3 x Magic tents (although one appeared to be some Goblins in a tree ?) Reg Bg(O) Protected by TFs
 | The Romans invaded and the terrain was of little consequence (I didnt want much as I felt it would over complicate it and anyway the Romans operated better in rough/diff than we did)
The Macedonians deployed in fairly typical Gaugemala format with Alex on the right the phalanx in the centre (Hypaspists to the right) and Parmenion on the left with the Cavalry
The Romans deployed the Legion in the centre in 2 lines with the Cav behind in reserve and Auxilia extending the legionary line on his right
 | Following a brief discussion Alexander (Cameron) took Parmenions advice and allocated the dice - high Alexander, mid Parmenion, low Craterus. The game plan was to sweep forward with Alexander and swing round to force the Roman Cav to come out and counter - I felt we would break through here in the end as although we didnt have the quick kill the lack of overlapping in a even push and shove were going to tell in the end. (Gordon had actually forgotten we didnt QK his Cav)
 | The Phalanx was to steam forward with its guaranteed 1 PIP and engage the legion in the classic infantry battle (we were looking to stress the corner point between the legion and the Cav reserve)
Poor old Parmenion was left with the survive long enough for the Companions and or phalanx to break through, dont lose or get killed - so fight a delaying action but make sure you support the phalanx as it goes forward instruction.
Battle duly started with good PIPs for the Macedonians - The Companions leapt forward and began to wheel to threaten the Roman left - spare PIPs being used to bring up the supporting light foot.
The Greek Cav were sent forward to slow down the Auxilia and Parmenion began to move troops out to extend the line to match as best he could the Roman Auxilia
 | In the centre the phalanx began to rumble forward - At this point I realised the folly of protecting its flanks with the IRREGULAR Ax(S) as we lost the sub gens PIP DoH!!! 
The Romans countered by coming forward centre and their right and their Cav reserve began to respond to the Companions.
In no time at all the first battle was joined - in the centre - the phalanx charged in and despite being at good factors 5-3 and 5-2 managed to oft just 1 legionary - and being pushed back down the line - 3 1s from Cameron - was it going to be one of those games 
I was fearful of the retribution coming - Next bound saw the Roman cav attack the Companions and the Auxila v Thessalian sniping began. As the Auxilia looked to engage and turn Parmenions flank.
 | Some poor rolling by Gordon saw little happen - 1 pikeman died but some holes were punched by the Macedonians - It was real heart in the mouth stuff at this point - at 240AP on a 6' x 4' its not easy to have reserves so any holes punched in lines were going to be critical. I had visions of Alexander being dead by 11:00.
In the next bound the Roman centre and left(the Cav) began to lose badly and it was soon all over - the Companions had rolled up the Roman cav for no loss and with minimal casualties the Pike had steamrollered the Roman centre. A 25-0 result to Alexander.
Despite there being a couple of crucial big dice swings it was a quick and enjoyable game - Gordon did take me aside at one point and pointed out I was controlling the game too much.(not like me ) after which we basically let Cameron make the decisions for the moves etc - explaining what choices he has and letting him decide what to do - I must admit that worked very well. Cameron was picking the factors Ok from the QRS and was confident in working out the base combats plus overlaps and had quickly grasped the importance of the overlap. He really, really likes the Companions.
 | In the afternoon I elected to observe the other games and Cameron played 15mm with Gordon using Middle Frankish against Ray Briggs and his Western han -in what was a bloody draw.
For any other Dads out there - this was a really good day - Cameron thoughlly enjoyed himself and is keen to play again and the 240AP format worked well. (he has played 125 a couple of times)
 | Finally a huge thank you to Gordon for a great day.
Roll on the next.
Regards David Mather