Well there is a possibility of playing 2 Irish 200ap comps this year, one themed and one open ( there is even a third but travelling from Cork to Belfast for 1 day is a bit of a push )
Previously in DBM I would usually work on a three irregular general army ( and 1 had to be an ally ) for these comps. and did OK, TBF I am looking at something similar for the Themed comp (IIRC the wrath of the Northmen: Vikings/Normans and enemies.
I was just wondering what posters might thing would be the optimal command structure for 200AP armies?
IMHO it might be 3 regular dice (including regular train command) and an irregular ally, interestingly there seems to be more 'Magic' train commands ( while we still have them ) available for 200ap as a lot of artillery is listed as o-3 which when halved and rounded up becomes 0-2 for 200ap games, the minimum size for trian commands in 200ap games is 2 IIRC.
Might be an interesting debate for the summer silly season ( still working on becoming a Kn(S) poster then on to Exp(O) or WWg(S) )