Selection of pics from games using various incarnations of v1.1 over past few months.
I must say I have greatly enjoyed v1.1 as an overall improvement on an already great set of rules and with new dynamic of Marching Into and general diluting of Cv effectivness vs Foot I thought it could give rise to seeing a lot more foot based armies in Comps

But over last few weeks I have become somewhat dissalussioned as the Yahoo Group has desecended into a spiral of conflicting views/spats/boo hoo sessions etc etc

Anyhow here are pics I cant recall the AARs for them suffice to say I lost more than I won (so no change from 1.0 in that regard

Minoans vs Assyrians (this was under 1.0 as practice for Munster Open)

Central Asian Turks (Turgesh)

Minoans vs Assyrians

Maurikian Byzantine vs Abbasids

Same again from behind Byzantine lines

Western Frankish vs Buyids (I think)

Avar vs Carolingian


Carthaginians vs Polybian Roman

The Legions

Khazar (note unfinished BgS) vs Tang Chinese

Some really nice (Outpost Figs) Tang CvS

Same again
