Been looking at the Syracusan army list & like the novelty of having Pyrrhic allies with Pyrrhos as the C-in-C [as stated in the notes].
However it raises a few questions:
1) With Pyrrhos as C-in-C is he [& his command] still an ally & thus possibly being unreliable?
2) Does he use a separate die [as an ally would]?
3) Is his command [taken from the Pyrrhic list of course] able to take troops listed as 'in Italy'? [I'm thinking, yes, as I think that's where he was when asked by the Syracusans to help them].
4) With Pyrrhos as C-in-C can the rest of the army use the TFs from his list [as it says 0-2 per general, & the Syracusan generals are sub-generals to him].