Hi (posted this on Dbmm lists but thought it could go here as well)

Played a game today here is short report to bore you
(Couple of pics on photo section as well)
I used Galatians with 3 Commands (forgot to use 4th Dummy dice)
the CiC in a Lt Chariot commanded 2 Chariots and 46 bases of WbS
2 SGs had identical Cmds of Sg in Lt Chariot with 2 Lt Chariots 4
Cavalry and 3 PsI. 6 Baggage was placed as Army baggage.
The Galatians Invaded and terrain consisted of a Wood near my baseline
two Open Fields 2 small Craggy Hills (placed by me but stuck on enemy
base edge by dicing) an Orchard and 2 Gentle Hills.
The Warband cmd formed in centre with Sg Cmds on either flank.
Using Ambush Strategm 3 PsI occuppied the wood edge (were never
revealed or moved)
Alexandrians had (dont know exact composistion) a massed Phalanx in
centre flanked with Peltasts and Light Horse. Two nasty Elephants also
abbuted the pikes. Companions formed a Cmd (we counted these as Wedges
but on 30mm bases as Stephen not rebasing as yet). More Lt Horse and
several Psiloi formed the Macedons left. 1 Bolt Shooter completed the
ensemble. The Macedons used a Reg Baggage Camp (probably not going to
be allowed in offical list but what the hey) as Pip dump.
As hostilities opened the Phalanx and Warbands approached each other.
Poor Pips by Celt SGs slowed there supporting moves. The Companions
moved by column (the column forming in Dbmm is pretty slick) to their
left to harry Celt Cavalry.
As the two main bodies approached each other a possible stand-off
looked on the offing but a 1 roll for the Celts saw their first 2
ranks advance into charge range of pikemen who duly obliged in their
turn. The Mbyb stuff came into effect in next couple of turns with
Warband suffering losses as Pikes counted 4 ranks vs 1 and Elephants
QK their opponnents. BUT as warband only lost 1 rank they in their
turn fed in supporting warband and now counting as aggressors several
Pikes were destroyed (killing 2 ranks with Wb is BIG benefit as is the
S Wb gaining +1 if scoring equal allowing a QK).
As this was happening the Companions engaged a line of Celt cavalry
and in 2 turns defeated them disheartening this cmd. On other flank
neither side had suffcient Pips to engage.
The decisive battle in the centre saw losses mounting to and fro on
both sides with a one point a despondant Macedonian declaring 'Game
Over Man Game over !!" as he thought losses had broken his large cmd
however a quick recheck found 'only' disheartened as several lost
elements were from adjoining Cmd.............
The Peltasts had suffered early losses but managed to flank the edge
of warband block and killed several (including two attacks on rear
edges (this is nice change from DBM wherein the defender does not
automatically turn to face).
Eventually the main Galatiam cmd accumulated 19 Wb destroyed enough to
break the cmd (55ME) and end the game.
Toting up it worked out as a 16 to 9 win for Alexanders lot.
Key points/issues from game were :
Xyston 15mm figs are GIANTS !!! the Companions looked like they were
on steroids :-) they are 20mm figs Imho
Pikes 4-deep can just about stand up to Warband in Dbmm their
main 'weakness' being the loss of 2 stands in a QK (which leaves a
lonely 2 stds for next combat)
Elephants are VERY good with so many QKs in their own and enemy bounds.
The Companion wedges are rather niffty with never counting overlapped.
Dbmm deployment,terrain placement are an improvement over Dbm.
The Mbyb stuff and gradings give many subtle nuances to combat (but
boy are they hard to keep track of !!)
One rules query arose.
Units now get a -1 in melee and unable to recoil. If attacked in the
rear do they count this -1 in addition to -1 for hit in rear (ie -2 in
total) ?
Also similarily if a unit is contacted on its flank (in addition to
frontally) does this -1 (in addition to -1 for overlapped) also count
as no recoil possible (as if outpointed they die) ?