Author Topic: DBMM -Youngest player (Caesar vs Alexander)  (Read 3578 times)

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DBMM -Youngest player (Caesar vs Alexander)
« on: May 06, 2007, 09:31:49 AM »
This a an extract from a battle report I posted to the DBMM list site back in January 2007. I have re-posted it here as Cameron was 7 years 344 days at this point and is thus possibly DBMMs youngest player.

The original report is at

-Fought a DBMM125 game this afternoon between Alexandrian Macedonian and Marian Roman - 25mm 6' x 4'

The Marian Romans were commanded by myself and the Macedonians by Cameron Mather in his first DBMM game (he had played about a dozen DBA games over the previous year).  The army was his Xmas present. (Mine was the digital camera).

We ignored brilliant generals in this case given it was Cameron's first experience of DBMM.


2 x Companions
1 x Thessalian Cav
1 x Thracian LH
1 x Prodromoi
4 x Hypaspists Pk (S)
4 x Phalangites Pk (O)
4 x Hoplites Reg Sp (I)
2 x Agrianes Reg Ps (S)
2 x Cretans
Mes 25
Disheartens 6.5
Breaks on 13

Julius Caesar
2 x German Cav
2 x Thracian/Moors LH
4 x Legio X Reg Bd (S)
4 x Legio VII Reg Bd (O)
2 x Thurophoroi
2 x Thracians/Illyrian Irr Ax (S)
3 x Germans Ps (I)
Mes 25.5
Disheartens on 6.5
Breaks on 13

Neither side had baggage, as I hadn't managed to get them prepared in time otherwise they would have been first picks in 125.

The terrain consisted of some hills gentle and scrubby scattered round the edges and a gully and an olive grove creating a funnel in the centre

The battle began at 10:00 on a fine spring day in Southern Italy.

The Romans deployed first Legio X in the centre right and Legio VII centre left

The Macedonians deployed second and Cameron lined up the Companions and Alexander opposite Caesar

his aim was to charge the Roman line and kill Caesar (which Caesar was certainly not going to let happen).

I started with 2 1s on the first and second bounds for Pip dice so could do little but move forward - even this was hampered by the change in the Reg Gens rule Caesar could not use his free PIP to move the infantry line forwards because of the Thracian Auxilia being Irregular. (this subsequently changed C-in-Cs now get a free PIP regardless)

There was not much manoeuvre owing to my poor PIPs and Cameron's inexperience and once the fight started the PIPs were drawn into maximising me advantages (overlaps flanks etc).

The two lines clashed on the 3rd bound with the Romans charging the Macedonians ? there was not enough PIPs previous turn for any stopping just out of charge range malarkey.

There was a small skirmish between the light horse on the Roman right flank and a fight in the gully between the German Cav and a Companion. The Macedonians lost the Companion and the Romans their light horse but neither side could capitalise as all PIPs were sucked into the battle in the centre.

Alexander and the other Companion ripped through Legio VII - before the Companion went down front and flank to Legio X  Alexander took out 2 x Bd (O) and 2 x Bd (S). There was a hard fought fight that rolled across the centre with the top troops from both sides breaking through in the middle and then trying to outflank the other. The Romans were first to dishearten with the Macedonians following on next bound - in the end it was a pyrrhic victory for the Romans 75% of Legio VII were dead and 50% of Legio X the Romans took out the Companions and most of the phalanx (front and flank combats).  Caesar himself had to commit himself to attacking the Hypaspists - I rarely put generals into combat
In this case - it was nearing desperation and generals of course are not disheartened.  The Macedonians broke with the Romans only 0.5ME away from defeat themselves (the Macedonians had had a 40% dice roll the previous bound to win the game but failed) Most certainly a "Pyrrhic" victory - 16-9 in game terms.


Fun   It was a tense close game  I asked Cameron whether he had fun and he replied that he had when further asked what was fun about it he commented that he liked moving the soldiers around and liked killing 12.5 points of Daddy's army and that the Companions were "well cool".

Playability   Taking into account Cameron's age and previous experience I felt this was a triumph for the rules. Whilst he was not fully sure what was going on he still grasped some aspects of the rules (he used the QRS) The my bound your bound split is still a bit beyond him but he was happy calling out the factors and was well aware of the -1 for overlaps etc and the doubling to kill (which are mechanisms of DBA).  He was quickly quite comfortable with S O and I but could not understand what F had to do with it (which I must admit to being amused by). He particularly liked the Companions (especially when he found out they could not be overlapped) and I must admit on the deeper bases they did look good. We played for about 1.5 hours and his attention was maintained during the entire game.

He is certainly keen to play again which is the ultimate accolade especially against Uncle Gordon as if he can get so close to Daddy in his first game.  Uncle Gordon should be a breeze. 

Unfortunately we have not got around to playing again (although he has asked frequently) as I have been too busy with other projects (garden etc)  However its bank holiday the garden is all but sorted my "big" Hittites have their paint drying and need a worthy opponent.

David Mather
« Last Edit: May 06, 2007, 09:51:11 AM by DaveMather »

Sgt Steiner

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Re: DBMM -Youngest player (Caesar vs Alexander)
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2007, 11:40:34 AM »
Hi David

The pic of his cheesy grin says it all  :)

My lad is 13 and has played a couple of WWII (Rapid Fire) games with me as well as a Might Of Arms and latest venture was a Malburian game with PK Field Of Battle. Not tried DBM/DBMM with him although he is always keen to find out how my games work out (ie badly)  ;D



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Re: DBMM -Youngest player (Caesar vs Alexander)
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2007, 09:46:10 AM »
Do you realise the damage you could be doing to his future education by introducing him to advanced Barkerese at this age!

He'll end up as a lawyer if you're not careful :)