forgive my stupidity - am seeking clarification
(and praying for the return of WRG 5th or 6th)
pls check and correct my attempt to untangle Arcane Barkerish
there appear to be 4 broad classes of "flank-like" type strategems/options/tactics/ploys
(1) DELAYED COMMAND (also apparently called "Delayed Arrival", but not on p31, as advertised)
* 0-1 comds may delay
* may NOT include C-in-C
* immediate arrival on raw PIP of 5,6 in first 4 bounds, immediate arrival on raw PIP of 4,5,6 thereafter (except ally, who is unchanged in thie respect)
* if either side uses "Delayed Start" (a possible reference to the "Delayed Battle" strategem?), all Delayed Commands arrive on "one less"
(presumably meaning, 4,5,6 and then 3,4,5,6 after 4th bound (except for ally, who is unchanged in this respect))
* arrives on own REAR EDGE, 800+p from any side edge
* 0-2 comds may flank march
* only 1 comd may arrive on each edge (L-R) .. target edge must be recorded for each flank marching comd in Deployment stage 1
* may NOT include C-in-C
* immediate arrival on raw PIP of 6 in first 4 bounds, immediate arrival on raw PIP of 5,6 thereafter (except for ally, who is unchanged in this respect)
* if either side uses "Delayed Start" (a possible reference to the "Delayed Battle" strategem?), all Flank Marches arrive on "1 less"
(presumably meaning, 5,6 and then 4,5,6 after 4th bound (except for ally, who is unchanged in this respect))
* when arriving, check if opponent has a flank on the same side. smaller comd is "driven back", both if equal size
* "driven back" = train is lost (definition of train is hazy at best - seems to refer to Bgge & Arty ?)
... others arrive in "own half" of specified flank, elts without PIPS lost
... errr, since when do you need PIPS (per element or group) to arrive on flank AT ALL ? what does this mean?
* otherwise, arrives on opponent half of specified flank, or (if land, on a dice of 6) nearest 400p of rear edge
* may not arrive in BUA
* front rank elements arrive and conduct march or tactical move (NB: no mention of required PIP expenditure!)
* this is a strategem - available only to brilliant general, as brilliant stroke
* cost 5AP ... EVIDENTLY cost in incurred, even though invoked as a Brilliant Stroke ?
(ambiguous Barkerese, which elsewhere seems to infer that a 12.5AP brilliant stroke can allow a strategem "otherwise not available")
* involves a "short hook" (presumably this obscure metaphor refers to a less divergent flanking route?)
* ambiguously, this strategem JUST MIGHT allow the C-in-C himself to perform the flank attack ?
(otherwise, how could an Alex.Imp companion flanking move EVER happen, with any modicum of control?)
* arrives "one less" (argh ... there's THAT IMPRECISE PHRASE again!)
this seems to mean:
arrives on 5,6 in first 4 bounds, or on 4,5,6 therefater (except for ally, who is unchanged in this respect)
BUT: if there is a Delayed Start (= Delayed Battle?) 4,5,6, or 3,4,5,6 after 4th bound (except for ally, who is unchanged in this respect)
AND ALSO: a flank attacking comd lead by a brilliant general (does this infer a C-inC can?) can also arrive on "one less)
but is this cumulative? ... infers that:
Brilliant General, Flank Attacking, under Delayed Start conditions, can arrive on 3,4,5,6 or 2,3,4,5,6 after 4th bound (except for ally, who is unchanged in this respect)
BUT it costs the Brilliant General 1 of his brilliant strokes to do so (ie: to reduce arrival dice to "one less")
* an inert general (who cannot call a flank attack AT ALL) needs to dice the correct arrival number TWICE, (ie: in a 2nd bound ? or twice in a row? or in successive bounds ?)
presumably a brilliant C-in-C could have dispatched an inertly lead command on a flank attack
presumably this injunction effects inert generals under ALL flank-type conditions, or is it just in flank attack (which he cant have called anyway!)? ... the text is most vague in this regard
(4) DELAYED BATTLE (possibly the same thing as "Delayed Start"?)
* this is a strategem - available to inert, normal & brilliant generals
* cost 5AP for inert general, else costs 10AP
* POSSIBLY (as with all strategems) could be invoked without cost as a Brilliant Stroke ? (ambiguous Barkerese)
* POSSIBLY (if = "delay start") increases the chance of flank march & delay command (as described above)
* army must have fortified camp or 2FE (ie: >800px600p size) fortified BUA
* not available if battle otherwise starts before sunrise
* after deployment, add D6 hours to start time (use higher figure if both sides delay)
(aside from possible weather/visibility effects, the increased chance of flankers etc seems the ONLY advantage)
has anyone managed to summarise this mess into concise and precise ENGLISH?
god forbid, could this have been TABULATED?