We have modified the Manchu & Ching Chinese army list in DBR to a DBMM army list.
From Wikipaedia
In late January 1659, a Chinese Chinese army led by Manchu prince Doni took the capital of Yunnan, sending the Yongli emperor fleeing into nearby Burma, which was then ruled by King Pindale Min of the Toungoo dynasty. The last sovereign of the Southern Ming stayed there until 1662, when he was captured and executed by Wu Sangui, whose surrender to the Manchus in April 1644 had allowed Dorgon to start the Qing conquest of China.
But in 1660AD, Manchu invaded in Autumn, deployed and moved first in this battle.
No significant weather is in effect.
This battle lasted for nine Bounds.
The Opposing Armies
(1) Manchu army Order of Battle 91ME 450AP
C in C Jirgalang RCvS x 1
Plain Blue Bannermen & Bordered Blue Bannermen RCvS x 8
"Prince who Pacifies the South" Geng Jimao Sub General RCvS x 1
Plain Red Bannermen & Bordered Red Bannermen RCvS x 8
Geng Jingzhong Sub General RCvS x 1
Mongol Banner Cavalry RLHS x 8
C4: Shang Kexi Sub General RCvS x 1
RArtS x 1
RArtI x 2
RCvI x 4
IBdI x 8
IBwO x 4
RShI x 2
(2) Southern Ming Chinese army Order of Battle 92ME 450AP
In the Centre, Artillery and War Wagons CIC General Ngo RCvS
4 RArtO
4 RArtI
12 IBdI
TF x 8
30ME, 164AP with Orange and Black Banners
In the right, Red Banner infantries and Cavalries: Sub General Chu RCvS
3 ICvI
6 IBwX
6 IAxO
2 IBdI
8 IHdO
28ME, 143AP with Red Banners
In the left, Blue Banner infantries and Cavalries: Sub General Ho RCvS
3 ICvI
6 IBwX
6 IAxO
2 IBdI
8 IHdO
28ME, 143AP with Blue Banner