If I had to umpire this I would let you press forward (its your choice)
I agree only TZ bullet 1 applies - so by pressing forward you are not breaching any of these
The element on your flank can now slide into true flank contact as a contacted element - your flank has contacted his front - the TZ rules prevent you from turning to it so the only remaining choice is as below
A (snip) contacted (snip) element or group that is not lined up moves up to an extra 1 base width (80p) to do so if the extra movement is used only to line up with an enemy (snip) flank (snip) edge (snip) by (a) a sideways shift (big snip). This can be in either side?s bound, is extra to normal maximum move, and expends no extra PIPs."
Your element will then conform as per contacted in flank rules and the combat will be fought
Good question - anyone else have any thoughts on this one (of some major concern having now read this a couple of times as I have been answering the question is the below from p 33
"A rear corner or rear edge cannot be moved into any enemy contact, or a flank edge into any contact except with a flank edge or if the front edge also moves into combat. Foot cannot move into any contact with mounted"
Tenuous arguement that the front edge has also moved into contact but its tenuous which may take us back to you can't press forward
(he said hedging his bets

David Mather