Two points here, do Ps actually recoil? I can only find options for them to repulse, flee or become spent.
There are some Outcome
Exceptions for Psiloi (also on the Quick Reference Sheet), but they can still recoil, for example when beaten by Ps or LH.
And, if they could recoil, and the elements behind them were in two ranks, would they not then recoil through the first element behind them, then push back the element behind that one?
I'm now not so sure any more if they can pass more then one element in this case. The rules indeed talkes about 'beyond the
first such element, other friends moving back to make room', so the element would in this case would stop after the third element in the column of spears, because this is the first element which base isn't cleared. If the recoiling Ps had passed this element totaly then it should
also pass the fourth element in the column.
And can they repulse through more than one rank of elements behind them?
Why couldn't they pass through more then one element?
(But in this case the original recoil, before the repulse, pushes back friends, so the repulse is cancelled, I had forgotten about this rule.
And I've always treated it that if troops are recoiled/repulsed they always face the way they were facing when repulsed, as per the rules.
It is now 2 to 1 in favor of my option A.