MKWS 100s

Milton Keynes One Dayer 2023

Andy Wilcox (Later Achaemenid Persian) 25.00 - 0.00 Neil Morgan (Patrician Roman )
David Pallin (Middle Imperial Roman ) 25.00 - 0.00 Jack Basu-Mellish (Hsiung-Nu or Juan-juan )
Juergen Bohn (Warring States and Ch'in Chinese ) 25.00 - 0.00 Nick Day (Kushan )
Lawrence Greaves (Gallic ) 25.00 - 0.00 Alex Grange (Later Carthaginian )
Steve Rathgay (Alexandrian Macedonian ) 25.00 - 0.00 Marc Priest (Later Visigothic )
Thom Richardson (Dacian and Carpi ) 25.00 - 0.00 Phil Hosker (Pictish )
Mike Bowles (Galatian ) 25.00 - 0.00 Adrian Coombs-Hoar (Late Imperial Roman)
Steve Bainbridge (Graeco-Bactrian and Graeco-Indian ) 20.00 - 5.00 Paul Mace (Alexandrian Imperial )
David Copperwheat (Classical Indian ) 19.00 - 6.00 Mark Carmichael (Classical Indian )
Sagar Kumaraswamy (Hunnic ) 17.00 - 8.00 Mark Gates (Hunnic )
Dudley Holiday (Late Imperial Roman) 15.00 - 10.00 Steve Scott (Graeco-Bactrian and Graeco-Indian )
Neil Sutherland (Warring States and Ch'in Chinese ) 14.00 - 11.00 Keith Nathan (Patrician Roman )
David Mather (Mithridatic ) 14.00 - 11.00 Jon Smith (Kushan )
John Bint (Sassanid Persian) 13.00 - 12.00 Martyn Simpson (Seleucid )
Luca Blasi (Middle Imperial Roman ) 13.00 - 12.00 Graham Evans (Late Imperial Roman)
Gordon Harrow (Hsien-Pi, Wu-huan, Pre-dynastic Khitan and Hsi ) 13.00 - 12.00 Warren Thompson (Later Achaemenid Persian)
Oren Taylor (Hsiung-Nu or Juan-juan ) 13.00 - 12.00 Jacopo Semeraro (Patrician Roman )
Greg Mann (Bosporan ) 13.00 - 12.00 Tim Child (Early Frankish, Alamanni, Quadi, Suevi, Rugian or Turcilingi)
Dick Scholefield (Kushan ) 13.00 - 12.00 John Saunders (Pictish )
David Mather (Mithridatic ) 25.00 - 0.00 Nick Day (Kushan )
David Pallin (Middle Imperial Roman ) 25.00 - 0.00 Mark Gates (Hunnic )
David Copperwheat (Classical Indian ) 25.00 - 0.00 Steve Scott (Graeco-Bactrian and Graeco-Indian )
John Bint (Sassanid Persian) 25.00 - 0.00 Steve Rathgay (Alexandrian Macedonian )
Thom Richardson (Dacian and Carpi ) 25.00 - 0.00 Dudley Holiday (Late Imperial Roman)
Phil Hosker (Pictish ) 25.00 - 0.00 Martyn Simpson (Seleucid )
Juergen Bohn (Warring States and Ch'in Chinese ) 25.00 - 0.00 Jacopo Semeraro (Patrician Roman )
Adrian Coombs-Hoar (Late Imperial Roman) 22.00 - 3.00 Keith Nathan (Patrician Roman )
Paul Mace (Alexandrian Imperial ) 22.00 - 3.00 Marc Priest (Later Visigothic )
Steve Bainbridge (Graeco-Bactrian and Graeco-Indian ) 22.00 - 3.00 Graham Evans (Late Imperial Roman)
Tim Child (Early Frankish, Alamanni, Quadi, Suevi, Rugian or Turcilingi) 18.00 - 7.00 Andy Wilcox (Later Achaemenid Persian)
Mike Bowles (Galatian ) 17.00 - 8.00 Jack Basu-Mellish (Hsiung-Nu or Juan-juan )
Luca Blasi (Middle Imperial Roman ) 15.00 - 10.00 Gordon Harrow (Hsien-Pi, Wu-huan, Pre-dynastic Khitan and Hsi )
Sagar Kumaraswamy (Hunnic ) 15.00 - 10.00 John Saunders (Pictish )
Jon Smith (Kushan ) 15.00 - 10.00 Neil Morgan (Patrician Roman )
Mark Carmichael (Classical Indian ) 14.00 - 11.00 Oren Taylor (Hsiung-Nu or Juan-juan )
Dick Scholefield (Kushan ) 14.00 - 11.00 Alex Grange (Later Carthaginian )
Neil Sutherland (Warring States and Ch'in Chinese ) 13.00 - 12.00 Warren Thompson (Later Achaemenid Persian)
Greg Mann (Bosporan ) 13.00 - 12.00 Lawrence Greaves (Gallic )
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