Zac Russell

Post Match Opponent(s) Rating Reliability
Date Competition Round Rating Reliability Score Name New Previous New Previous
2015-01-25 Cancon 2015 1 2113 95.88 3.00 - 22.00 Lawrence Greaves 2136 2129 56.51 57.20
2015-01-24 Cancon 2015 1 2133 99.62 3.00 - 22.00 Lawrence Greaves 2129 2121 57.20 57.91
2013-01-26 Cancon 2013 6 2157 103.79 0.00 - 25.00 Gerry Fallon 2004 1975 82.82 84.32
2013-01-26 Cancon 2013 5 2204 106.88 15.00 - 10.00 Darren Addison 1813 1770 156.09 160.34
2013-01-26 Cancon 2013 4 2222 108.22 23.00 - 2.00 Mark Lauchs 1864 1872 168.64 177.41
2013-01-26 Cancon 2013 3 2218 110.31 23.00 - 2.00 Doug Melville 2122 2130 67.18 68.28
2012-01-14 Cancon 2012 6 2196 115.83 14.00 - 11.00 Paul Miller 2057 2048 110.06 114.34
2012-01-14 Cancon 2012 5 2206 120.91 8.00 - 17.00 Doug Melville 2147 2138 74.27 75.68
2012-01-14 Cancon 2012 4 2231 127.96 0.00 - 25.00 Greg Russell 2264 2235 98.32 101.76
2012-01-14 Cancon 2012 3 2281 136.48 12.00 - 13.00 Aaron Russell 2287 2286 120.37 126.79
2012-01-14 Cancon 2012 2 2282 146.56 25.00 - 0.00 Peter Barrett 2031 2039 79.02 80.27
2012-01-14 Cancon 2012 1 2254 156.14 19.00 - 6.00 Rodney Sommerville 2133 2140 102.27 105.65
2011-01-14 Cancon 2011 4 2237 171.32 13.00 - 12.00 Greg Russell 2218 2217 160.82 175.14
2011-01-14 Cancon 2011 3 2238 189.80 25.00 - 0.00 Ian Blaxendale 2071 2103 123.93 129.52
2011-01-14 Cancon 2011 2 2156 219.21 19.00 - 6.00 Ian Thompson 2060 2114 206.08 232.22
2011-01-14 Cancon 2011 1 2092 254.36 21.00 - 4.00 Phil Bradley 1908 N/A 254.36 N/A
Starting 2000 300.00
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