Dugald Duncan

Post Match Opponent(s) Rating Reliability
Date Competition Round Rating Reliability Score Name New Previous New Previous
2012-01-14 Cancon 2012 6 2018 93.96 22.00 - 3.00 Peter Barrett 2037 2050 72.95 74.43
2012-01-14 Cancon 2012 5 1995 97.31 0.00 - 25.00 Paul Miller 2048 2011 114.34 120.40
2012-01-14 Cancon 2012 4 2021 100.82 0.00 - 25.00 Doug Melville 2138 2126 75.68 77.26
2012-01-14 Cancon 2012 3 2043 104.84 4.00 - 21.00 Greg Russell 2235 2229 101.76 105.02
2012-01-14 Cancon 2012 2 2050 108.43 18.00 - 7.00 Wayne Power 2035 2049 102.52 106.71
2012-01-14 Cancon 2012 1 2035 113.49 17.00 - 8.00 Tim Montgomery 1926 1928 97.41 100.67
2009-01-26 Cancon 2009 4 2032 118.93 18.00 - 7.00 Gerry Fallon 1983 2001 128.59 136.93
2009-01-26 Cancon 2009 3 2017 125.25 13.00 - 12.00 Nick Rodgers 2145 2168 136.07 144.01
2009-01-26 Cancon 2009 2 1998 131.21 7.00 - 18.00 Peter Barrett 2036 2022 110.76 115.78
2009-01-26 Cancon 2009 1 2018 140.32 23.00 - 2.00 David Turner 1863 1894 140.41 150.16
2008-01-26 Cancon 2008 6 1987 150.05 3.00 - 22.00 Chris Burg 2053 2005 150.48 162.96
2008-01-26 Cancon 2008 5 2035 162.40 11.00 - 14.00 Glen Noonan 2034 2022 163.00 178.52
2008-01-26 Cancon 2008 4 2047 177.70 18.00 - 7.00 David Turner 1927 1945 177.51 196.09
2008-01-26 Cancon 2008 3 2028 196.36 0.00 - 25.00 Geoff Tindall 2240 2161 196.36 221.01
2008-01-26 Cancon 2008 2 2107 221.01 18.00 - 7.00 Ian Blaxendale 2011 2059 221.01 254.36
2008-01-26 Cancon 2008 1 2059 254.36 18.00 - 7.00 Alex Kohn 1941 N/A 254.36 N/A
Starting 2000 300.00
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