Richard Jeffrey-Cook

Post Match Opponent(s) Rating Reliability
Date Competition Round Rating Reliability Score Name New Previous New Previous
2011-10-29 Guildford 2011 2 2005 68.04 13.00 - 12.00 Norman Whapshott 1866 1844 140.91 150.85
2011-10-29 Guildford 2011 1 2009 68.95 3.00 - 22.00 Greg Mann 2042 2039 38.88 39.11
2010-10-30 Guildford 2010 2 2019 70.32 0.00 - 25.00 Steve Bainbridge 2076 2068 57.38 58.13
2010-10-30 Guildford 2010 1 2032 71.74 24.00 - 1.00 John Godsall 2044 2107 138.54 149.54
2010-05-08 Campaign 2010 5 2017 72.95 22.00 - 3.00 Steve Bainbridge 2048 2063 76.38 78.14
2010-05-08 Campaign 2010 4 2003 74.47 7.00 - 18.00 Phil Hosker 1964 1956 69.97 71.32
2010-05-08 Campaign 2010 3 2012 76.11 15.00 - 10.00 Steve Rathgay 1951 1951 55.37 56.03
2010-05-08 Campaign 2010 2 2012 77.89 22.00 - 3.00 Ron Chamberlain 1863 1871 83.43 85.47
2010-05-08 Campaign 2010 1 2005 79.53 0.00 - 25.00 David Pallin 2036 2025 61.89 62.83
2009-08-01 Guildford 2009 2 2023 81.61 25.00 - 0.00 Chris Hanley 2067 2120 120.02 126.51
2009-08-01 Guildford 2009 1 2000 83.42 15.00 - 10.00 Jim Gibson 2089 2093 57.27 57.95
2009-05-09 Campaign 2009 5 1991 85.65 12.00 - 13.00 Jim Gibson 2079 2081 61.27 62.11
2009-05-09 Campaign 2009 4 1986 88.08 10.00 - 15.00 David Mather 2051 2051 67.89 69.08
2009-05-09 Campaign 2009 3 1986 90.81 13.00 - 12.00 Gordon Harrow 2016 2017 57.91 58.66
2009-05-09 Campaign 2009 2 1983 93.93 10.00 - 15.00 Phil Hosker 1941 1925 125.06 132.90
2009-05-09 Campaign 2009 1 1992 96.89 15.00 - 10.00 Tim Child 1966 1969 85.35 87.78
2008-10-25 Roll Call 2008 25mm 4 1988 100.58 4.00 - 28.00 Dave Pothecary 1896 1843 127.70 134.41
2008-10-25 Roll Call 2008 25mm 3 2020 103.59 15.00 - 17.00 Mike Newnham 1886 1873 99.31 102.47
2008-10-25 Roll Call 2008 25mm 2 2034 107.22 32.00 - 0.00 Ron Chamberlain 1772 1832 202.88 232.39
2008-10-25 Roll Call 2008 25mm 1 2018 110.09 3.00 - 29.00 Craig Hulkes 2136 N/A 233.38 N/A
2008-07-19 Guildford 2008 15mm 2 2041 113.09 10.00 - 15.00 Jeavon Hood 2016 1970 201.43 237.62
2008-07-19 Guildford 2008 15mm 1 2052 116.97 10.00 - 15.00 Jim Gibson 2050 2030 163.21 181.39
2008-03-01 PAW 2008 25mm 4 2062 122.26 22.00 - 3.00 Kevin Jackson 2018 2093 173.58 195.06
2008-03-01 PAW 2008 25mm 3 2029 127.98 25.00 - 0.00 Mike Woods 1814 1883 193.01 221.03
2008-03-01 PAW 2008 25mm 2 2001 133.74 15.00 - 10.00 Colin Evans 1992 2027 211.73 254.36
2008-03-01 PAW 2008 25mm 1 1990 140.13 13.00 - 12.00 Steve Price 1989 N/A 236.26 N/A
2007-08-10 Britcon 2007 15mm 6 1987 146.51 17.00 - 15.00 Niall Taylor 2148 2168 118.41 122.78
2007-08-10 Britcon 2007 15mm 5 1954 155.55 13.00 - 19.00 Ian Mackay 2039 2040 126.41 133.07
2007-08-10 Britcon 2007 15mm 4 1951 169.82 19.00 - 13.00 Geoff Pearson 1846 1841 141.51 150.23
2007-08-10 Britcon 2007 15mm 3 1959 187.25 31.00 - 1.00 Bill Skinner 1874 1929 144.66 153.82
2007-08-10 Britcon 2007 15mm 2 1857 212.93 3.00 - 29.00 Chris Jolley 2039 1966 208.12 236.11
2007-08-10 Britcon 2007 15mm 1 1934 244.12 3.00 - 29.00 David Mather 2180 2157 149.24 156.20
Starting 2000 300.00
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