Frederico Baggio

Post Match Opponent(s) Rating Reliability
Date Competition Round Rating Reliability Score Name New Previous New Previous
2013-09-07 Bassano 2013 4 2033 124.22 12.00 - 13.00 Fabio Fassan 2109 2112 75.23 76.69
2013-09-07 Bassano 2013 3 2024 131.94 11.00 - 14.00 Giancarlo Marucci 1944 1925 129.22 136.58
2013-09-07 Bassano 2013 2 2044 139.87 23.00 - 2.00 Michele Bordignon 1842 1901 203.58 236.20
2013-09-07 Bassano 2013 1 2018 147.16 0.00 - 25.00 Paolo Paglianti 2209 2203 61.68 62.36
2013-04-13 Torino 2013 4 2055 159.21 15.00 - 10.00 Marco Boniardi 2061 2065 71.62 72.80
2013-04-13 Torino 2013 3 2035 177.78 12.00 - 13.00 Diego Zulich 2121 2123 62.79 63.48
2013-04-13 Torino 2013 2 2012 202.40 25.00 - 0.00 Emilio Antichi 1840 1861 101.51 104.31
2013-04-13 Torino 2013 1 1917 241.71 0.00 - 25.00 Paolo Paglianti 2197 2192 64.92 65.43
Starting 2000 300.00
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