Early Sumerian

Date Competition Round Player(s) Score Opponent(s) Opposing Army
2009-08-01 Guildford 2009 1 Steve Rathgay

25.00 - 0.00 Andy Gilbert

2009-08-01 Guildford 2009 2 Steve Rathgay

15.00 - 10.00 Toby Partridge

Seljuq Turk
2009-08-14 Britcon 2009 1 Steve Rathgay

25.00 - 0.00 Gary Barr

2009-08-14 Britcon 2009 2 Steve Rathgay

10.00 - 15.00 Mike Bennett

Nikephorian Byzantine
2009-08-14 Britcon 2009 3 Steve Rathgay

3.00 - 22.00 David Pallin

Sui Chinese and Early T'ang Chinese
2009-08-14 Britcon 2009 4 Steve Rathgay

23.00 - 2.00 Jan van Embden

Sui Chinese and Early T'ang Chinese
2009-08-14 Britcon 2009 5 Steve Rathgay

12.00 - 13.00 Colin Sharpe

Sung Chinese
2009-08-14 Britcon 2009 6 Steve Rathgay

10.00 - 15.00 Jim Gibson

West Sudanese
2010-04-01 Challenge 2010 1 Steve Rathgay

3.00 - 22.00 Ian Austin

New Kingdom Egyptian
2010-04-01 Challenge 2010 2 Steve Rathgay

18.00 - 7.00 Thom Richardson

Hellenistic Greek
2010-04-01 Challenge 2010 3 Steve Rathgay

10.00 - 15.00 Greg Mann

2010-04-01 Challenge 2010 4 Steve Rathgay

14.00 - 11.00 Keith Nathan

Serbian Empire
2010-04-01 Challenge 2010 5 Steve Rathgay

23.00 - 2.00 Tony Dennis

2011-08-12 Britcon 2011 1 Steve Rathgay

3.00 - 22.00 David Thompson

Burgundian Ordonnance
2011-08-12 Britcon 2011 2 Steve Rathgay

14.00 - 11.00 Bill Skinner

2011-08-12 Britcon 2011 3 Steve Rathgay

21.00 - 4.00 Lawrence Greaves

Ancient British
2011-08-12 Britcon 2011 4 Steve Rathgay

13.00 - 12.00 Mike Pickering

Italian Condotta
2011-08-12 Britcon 2011 5 Steve Rathgay

22.00 - 3.00 Keith Nathan

2011-08-12 Britcon 2011 6 Steve Rathgay

14.00 - 11.00 John Fletcher

2013-01-26 Cancon 2013 1 Glen Noonan

23.00 - 2.00 Paul Turner

Minoan and Early Mycenaean
2013-01-26 Cancon 2013 2 Glen Noonan

25.00 - 0.00 John Garvey

Later Swiss
2013-01-26 Cancon 2013 3 Glen Noonan

13.00 - 12.00 Andrew Card

Romanian Frank
2013-01-26 Cancon 2013 4 Glen Noonan

14.00 - 11.00 John Saunders

Pre-Samurai Japanese
2013-01-26 Cancon 2013 5 Glen Noonan

14.00 - 11.00 Lawrence Greaves

Burgundian Ordonnance
2013-01-26 Cancon 2013 6 Glen Noonan

12.00 - 13.00 Tim Montgomery

Classical Indian
2014-04-05 Challenge 2014 1 Steve Rathgay

13.00 - 12.00 Mike Pickering

Minoan and Early Mycenaean
2014-04-05 Challenge 2014 2 Steve Rathgay

11.00 - 14.00 Adrian Clarke

Early Vietnamese
2014-04-05 Challenge 2014 3 Steve Rathgay

12.00 - 13.00 Ian Austin

Hittite Empire
2014-04-05 Challenge 2014 4 Steve Rathgay

12.00 - 13.00 Ray Briggs

Middle Assyrian and Early Neo Assyrian
2014-04-05 Challenge 2014 5 Steve Rathgay

25.00 - 0.00 Stephen Jones

New Kingdom Egyptian
2015-11-14 Warfare 25mm 2015 1 Steve Rathgay

25.00 - 0.00 Phil Hosker

Alexandrian Imperial
2015-11-14 Warfare 25mm 2015 2 Steve Rathgay

23.00 - 2.00 Marc Priest

2016-07-16 Central London 2016 1 Steve Rathgay

11.00 - 14.00 Greg Mann

New Kingdom Egyptian
2016-07-16 Central London 2016 2 Steve Rathgay

12.00 - 13.00 David Mather

Kimmerian, Skythian or Early Hu
2016-07-16 Central London 2016 3 Steve Rathgay

14.00 - 11.00 Adrian Coombs-Hoar

Hittite Empire
2016-07-16 Central London 2016 4 Steve Rathgay

15.00 - 10.00 Marc Hare

Middle Assyrian and Early Neo Assyrian
2020-02-23 Burton Doubles 2020 1 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

15.00 - 10.00 Keith Nathan

Sagar Kumaraswamy

New Kingdom Egyptian
2020-02-23 Burton Doubles 2020 1 Keith Nathan

Sagar Kumaraswamy

10.00 - 15.00 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

Early Sumerian
2020-02-23 Burton Doubles 2020 2 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

13.00 - 12.00 John Fletcher

Steve Mills

Western Chou and Spring and Autumn Chinese
2020-02-23 Burton Doubles 2020 2 John Fletcher

Steve Mills

12.00 - 13.00 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

Early Sumerian
2020-02-23 Burton Doubles 2020 3 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

14.00 - 11.00 Lawrence Greaves

John Saunders

Kyrenean Greek
2020-02-23 Burton Doubles 2020 3 Lawrence Greaves

John Saunders

11.00 - 14.00 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

Early Sumerian
2020-02-23 Burton Doubles 2020 4 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

15.00 - 10.00 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

Tullian Roman
2020-02-23 Burton Doubles 2020 4 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

10.00 - 15.00 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

Early Sumerian
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