
Wintercon 2011


Competitor Army Position Score Ranking Rating
Aaron Russell Carolingian Frankish 1 70.00 100.00 2,000
Dave Quilty Polybian Roman 2 60.00 91.00 2,059
Chris Cameron Lusignian Cypriot 3 59.00 82.00 2,115
Greg Russell Early Crusader 4 57.00 73.00 2,218
Wayne Power Mithridatic 5 56.00 64.00 2,038
Paul Miller Siamese 6 50.00 55.00 2,000
Karl Hamlyn Early Carthaginian 7 46.00 46.00 2,180
Peter Barrett Galatian 8 46.00 37.00 2,045
Doug Melville Ayyubid Egyptian 9 45.00 28.00 2,145
John Garvey Norse Viking and Leidang 10 44.00 19.00 1,891
Gerry Fallon Feudal Spanish 11 39.00 10.00 1,943
David Turner Amazonian 12 24.00 1.00 1,976


No umpires


No stand-ins

Rating is the initial Glicko rating of each player at the start of the competition.

Total rating of all players in this competition was 24610

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