Pre-Feudal Scots

Date Competition Round Player(s) Score Opponent(s) Opposing Army
2008-06-29 Rampage 2008 1 Jim Gibson

10.00 - 15.00 David Pallin

Sha-T'o Turkish
2008-06-29 Rampage 2008 2 Jim Gibson

15.00 - 10.00 Toby Partridge

2008-06-29 Rampage 2008 3 Jim Gibson

15.00 - 10.00 Graham Edwards

2010-09-30 RINIWA League Leinster 2010 1 Alec McTurk

7.00 - 18.00 Michael Hession

Early Bulgar
2010-09-30 RINIWA League Leinster 2010 2 Alec McTurk

13.00 - 12.00 Rob Brennan

Dynastic Bedouin
2010-09-30 RINIWA League Leinster 2010 3 Alec McTurk

15.00 - 10.00 Michael Whelan

Norse Viking and Leidang
2010-09-30 RINIWA League Leinster 2010 4 Alec McTurk

22.00 - 3.00 Tony Farrell

Konstantinian Byzantine
2010-09-30 RINIWA League Leinster 2010 5 Alec McTurk

25.00 - 0.00 - BYE -

2010-11-20 Warfare 2010 Post 500AD 1 Jonathan Crowe

11.00 - 14.00 Phil Hosker

Burgundian Ordonnance
2010-11-20 Warfare 2010 Post 500AD 2 Jonathan Crowe

2.00 - 23.00 Marc Priest

2010-11-20 Warfare 2010 Post 500AD 3 Jonathan Crowe

23.00 - 2.00 Mike Newnham

100 Years War English
2010-11-20 Warfare 2010 Post 500AD 4 Jonathan Crowe

25.00 - 0.00 Mark Schofield

2010-11-27 Alpha-Ares 2010 1 Xavi Marti

22.00 - 3.00 Toni Pellicer

100 Years War English
2010-11-27 Alpha-Ares 2010 2 Xavi Marti

23.00 - 2.00 Miquel Pocovi

French Ordonnance
2011-06-25 Recco 2011 1 Riccardo Marchesi

0.00 - 25.00 Diego Zulich

Post-Mongol Russian
2011-06-25 Recco 2011 2 Riccardo Marchesi

19.00 - 6.00 Mario Storace

100 Years War English
2011-06-25 Recco 2011 3 Riccardo Marchesi

17.00 - 8.00 Salvatore Franco

Norse Irish
2011-06-25 Recco 2011 4 Riccardo Marchesi

7.00 - 18.00 Giorgio Barberis

Sung Chinese
2013-10-13 RINIWA League Munster 2013 1 William Coughlan

11.00 - 14.00 Padraig Bracken

2013-10-13 RINIWA League Munster 2013 2 William Coughlan

14.00 - 11.00 Tony Bergin

Feudal Spanish
2013-10-13 RINIWA League Munster 2013 3 William Coughlan

2.00 - 23.00 Tim Madeley

2013-10-13 RINIWA League Munster 2013 4 William Coughlan

12.00 - 13.00 - BYE -

2013-10-13 RINIWA League Munster 2013 5 William Coughlan

19.00 - 6.00 Tom Worden

Teutonic Orders
2013-11-16 Warfare 2013 The Longships 1 Craig Hulkes

11.00 - 14.00 Steve Rathgay

East Frankish
2013-11-16 Warfare 2013 The Longships 2 Craig Hulkes

12.00 - 13.00 Andy Wilcox

Norse Viking and Leidang
2013-11-16 Warfare 2013 The Longships 3 Craig Hulkes

13.00 - 12.00 Roy Loach

2013-11-16 Warfare 2013 The Longships 4 Craig Hulkes

10.00 - 15.00 Colin Sharpe

2014-02-22 Burton Doubles 2014 1 Keith Nathan

Roger Greenwood

15.00 - 10.00 Ray Briggs

Bob Kendall

Carolingian Frankish
2014-02-22 Burton Doubles 2014 1 Ray Briggs

Bob Kendall

10.00 - 15.00 Keith Nathan

Roger Greenwood

Pre-Feudal Scots
2014-02-22 Burton Doubles 2014 2 Keith Nathan

Roger Greenwood

0.00 - 25.00 Steve Bainbridge

Ian Sims

Thematic Byzantine
2014-02-22 Burton Doubles 2014 2 Steve Bainbridge

Ian Sims

25.00 - 0.00 Keith Nathan

Roger Greenwood

Pre-Feudal Scots
2014-02-22 Burton Doubles 2014 3 Keith Nathan

Roger Greenwood

22.00 - 3.00 Tim Kohler

Andy Parkin

Central Asian City-States
2014-02-22 Burton Doubles 2014 3 Tim Kohler

Andy Parkin

3.00 - 22.00 Keith Nathan

Roger Greenwood

Pre-Feudal Scots
2014-02-22 Burton Doubles 2014 4 Keith Nathan

Roger Greenwood

13.00 - 12.00 Gordon Harrow

Abbasid Arab
2014-02-22 Burton Doubles 2014 4 Gordon Harrow

12.00 - 13.00 Keith Nathan

Roger Greenwood

Pre-Feudal Scots
2014-03-16 R1 Northern League 15mm 2014 1 Keith Nathan

7.00 - 18.00 John Fletcher

Steve Mills

Chinese Northern and Southern Dynasties
2014-03-16 R1 Northern League 15mm 2014 2 Keith Nathan

3.00 - 22.00 Geoff Pearson

Brian Pierpoint

Medieval Spanish or Portuguese
2014-11-15 Warfare 2014 25mm 1 Mark Carmichael

10.00 - 15.00 Mike Newnham

100 Years War English
2014-11-15 Warfare 2014 25mm 2 Mark Carmichael

0.00 - 25.00 Neil Sutherland

Early Frankish, Alamanni, Quadi, Suevi, Rugian or Turcilingi
2014-11-15 Warfare 2014 25mm 3 Mark Carmichael

6.00 - 19.00 Marc Priest

Early Russian
2014-11-15 Warfare 2014 25mm 4 Mark Carmichael

12.00 - 13.00 Phil Hosker

Burgundian Ordonnance
2017-06-04 Challenge 15mm 2017 1 John Saunders

0.00 - 25.00 Chris Jolley

Feudal English
2017-06-04 Challenge 15mm 2017 2 John Saunders

3.00 - 22.00 - BYE -

2017-06-04 Challenge 15mm 2017 3 John Saunders

10.00 - 15.00 Stuart Whigham

Central Asian Turkish
2017-06-04 Challenge 15mm 2017 4 John Saunders

14.00 - 11.00 Roy Loach

Early Serbian or Croatian
2017-11-05 R5 Northern Doubles League 15mm 2017 1 Keith Murphy

Tim Kohler

10.00 - 15.00 Roger Greenwood

2017-11-05 R5 Northern Doubles League 15mm 2017 1 Roger Greenwood

15.00 - 10.00 Keith Murphy

Tim Kohler

Pre-Feudal Scots
2017-11-05 R5 Northern Doubles League 15mm 2017 2 Keith Murphy

Tim Kohler

11.00 - 14.00 Alaistair Moore

Thematic Byzantine
2017-11-05 R5 Northern Doubles League 15mm 2017 2 Alaistair Moore

14.00 - 11.00 Keith Murphy

Tim Kohler

Pre-Feudal Scots
2018-03-11 ITC 2018 1 David Houston

25.00 - 0.00 Michele Bordignon

Norse Viking and Leidang
2018-03-11 ITC 2018 2 David Houston

19.00 - 6.00 David Pallin

Sui Chinese and Early T'ang Chinese
2018-03-11 ITC 2018 3 David Houston

23.00 - 2.00 Jann Bengen

Sui Chinese and Early T'ang Chinese
2018-03-11 ITC 2018 4 David Houston

0.00 - 25.00 Dennis Peroni

Sui Chinese and Early T'ang Chinese
2019-05-12 Campaign 2019 1 Mark Carmichael

12.00 - 13.00 Steve Bainbridge

2019-05-12 Campaign 2019 2 Mark Carmichael

6.00 - 19.00 Mike Bowles

Wars of the Roses and Tudor English
2019-05-12 Campaign 2019 3 Mark Carmichael

25.00 - 0.00 Lawrence Greaves

Lusignian Cypriot
2019-05-12 Campaign 2019 4 Mark Carmichael

22.00 - 3.00 David Pallin

Italian Condotta
2019-05-12 Campaign 2019 5 Mark Carmichael

16.00 - 9.00 Greg Mann

Burgundian Ordonnance
2021-08-01 Northern League 15mm round 1 1 John Saunders

0.00 - 25.00 John Fletcher

Late T'ang and Five Dynasties Chinese
2021-08-01 Northern League 15mm round 1 2 John Saunders

2.00 - 23.00 Keith Nathan

2021-11-28 Warfare 15mm 2021 1 Juergen Bohn

14.00 - 11.00 Oren Taylor

Scots Isles and Highlands
2021-11-28 Warfare 15mm 2021 2 Juergen Bohn

12.00 - 13.00 Lawrence Greaves

Lusignian Cypriot
2021-11-28 Warfare 15mm 2021 3 Juergen Bohn

13.00 - 12.00 Peter Kershaw

Feudal English
2021-11-28 Warfare 15mm 2021 4 Juergen Bohn

23.00 - 2.00 Jack Basu-Mellish

Feudal Spanish
2022-01-08 Milton Keynes One Dayer 2019 1 Mike Newnham

12.00 - 13.00 Dudley Holiday

Dynastic Bedouin
2022-01-08 Milton Keynes One Dayer 2019 2 Mike Newnham

12.00 - 13.00 Thom Richardson

Early Bulgar
2022-07-03 MK Doubles 2022 1 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

14.00 - 11.00 Keith Nathan

Thom Richardson

2022-07-03 MK Doubles 2022 1 Keith Nathan

Thom Richardson

11.00 - 14.00 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

Pre-Feudal Scots
2022-07-03 MK Doubles 2022 2 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

12.00 - 13.00 David Mather

David Pallin

2022-07-03 MK Doubles 2022 2 David Mather

David Pallin

13.00 - 12.00 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

Pre-Feudal Scots
2022-07-03 MK Doubles 2022 3 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

3.00 - 22.00 John Fletcher

Steve Mills

Later Pre Islamic Arab
2022-07-03 MK Doubles 2022 3 John Fletcher

Steve Mills

22.00 - 3.00 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

Pre-Feudal Scots
2022-07-03 MK Doubles 2022 4 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

3.00 - 22.00 Lawrence Greaves

Oren Taylor

2022-07-03 MK Doubles 2022 4 Lawrence Greaves

Oren Taylor

22.00 - 3.00 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

Pre-Feudal Scots
2024-11-10 Northern League 15mm round 5 1 Steve Mills

0.00 - 25.00 Lawrence Greaves

Bagratid Armenian
2024-11-10 Northern League 15mm round 5 2 Steve Mills

19.00 - 6.00 Tim Kohler

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