Roll Call

Roll Call 2015 15mm


Competitor Army Position Score Ranking Rating
Peter Haines Early Russian 1 77.00 100.00 2,137
Peter Kershaw Later Hungarian 2 71.00 92.38 1,999
Chris Robinson Mongol Conquest 3 64.00 84.77 2,146
Mike Pickering Indonesian or Malay 4 60.00 77.15 2,030
Thom Richardson Later Muslim Indian 5 58.00 69.54 2,010
Greg Mann Khmer and Cham 6 55.00 61.92 2,142
Ian Austin Seljuq Turk 7 51.00 54.31 2,133
Keith Nathan Sicilian 7 51.00 54.31 1,963
Roger Greenwood Khitan-Liao 9 47.00 39.08 1,976
Lawrence Greaves Sicilian 9 47.00 39.08 2,120
Chris Jolley Early Crusader 11 45.00 23.85 2,035
Ben Faithful Romanian Frank 12 32.00 16.23 1,930
Andy Gilbert Tupi 13 25.00 8.62 1,926
Mike Bowles Lusignian Cypriot 14 17.00 1.00 1,912


No umpires


No stand-ins

Rating is the initial Glicko rating of each player at the start of the competition.

Total rating of all players in this competition was 28459

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