BHGS Doubles

BHGS Oxford Doubles 2015


Competitor Army Position Score Ranking Rating
Colin Sharpe Buyid or other Dailami Dynasties 1 65.00 100.00 2,030
Mike Bennett Buyid or other Dailami Dynasties 1 65.00 100.00 2,174
David Mather Sui Chinese and Early T'ang Chinese 2 60.00 89.00 2,059
Ben Faithful Early Japanese 2 60.00 89.00 1,930
David Pallin Sui Chinese and Early T'ang Chinese 2 60.00 89.00 2,082
Mark Schofield Later Visigothic 2 60.00 89.00 1,822
Findlay Schofield Later Visigothic 2 60.00 89.00 1,886
John Godsall Early Japanese 2 60.00 89.00 1,992
Steve Bainbridge Thematic Byzantine 5 56.00 56.00 2,100
Mike Newnham Thematic Byzantine 5 56.00 56.00 1,895
Graham Lock Pre-Feudal Scots 6 53.00 45.00 2,077
Adrian Clarke Pre-Feudal Scots 6 53.00 45.00 2,091
Mike Bowles Maya 7 49.00 34.00 1,912
Steve Rathgay Maya 7 49.00 34.00 2,008
Ian Mackay Scots Isles and Highlands 7 49.00 34.00 2,061
Keith Nathan Tibetan 9 37.00 12.00 1,963
Phil Hosker Later Bulgar 10 11.00 1.00 1,971
Nick Beechey Later Bulgar 10 11.00 1.00 1,848


No umpires


No stand-ins

Rating is the initial Glicko rating of each player at the start of the competition.

Total rating of all players in this competition was 35901

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