Enzo Megale

Post Match Opponent(s) Rating Reliability
Date Competition Round Rating Reliability Score Name New Previous New Previous
2013-04-13 Torino 2013 4 2066 97.76 23.00 - 2.00 Giancarlo Marucci 1906 1944 157.62 173.15
2013-04-13 Torino 2013 3 2052 100.65 8.00 - 17.00 Nikola Begovic 2015 1991 125.64 133.40
2013-04-13 Torino 2013 2 2067 104.28 23.00 - 2.00 Alessandro Miguez 1853 1860 85.43 87.24
2013-04-13 Torino 2013 1 2057 107.73 0.00 - 25.00 Lorenzo Mele 2223 2216 63.44 64.27
2012-03-10 Italian DBMM Team Championship 2012 4 2078 112.29 14.00 - 11.00 Neil Fox 2128 2134 87.96 90.46
2012-03-10 Italian DBMM Team Championship 2012 3 2067 117.92 13.00 - 12.00 Marco Guarnieri 1984 1980 80.46 82.27
2012-03-10 Italian DBMM Team Championship 2012 2 2076 124.33 10.00 - 15.00 Stefano Grombi 2197 2199 70.24 71.36
2012-03-10 Italian DBMM Team Championship 2012 1 2070 131.58 10.00 - 15.00 Diego Zulich 2143 2143 75.80 77.29
2008-05-17 Torino 2008 4 2070 141.05 13.00 - 12.00 Gael Richard 1996 1987 130.98 138.75
2008-05-17 Torino 2008 3 2081 151.22 24.00 - 1.00 Simone Bettinelli 1736 1750 148.68 155.04
2008-05-17 Torino 2008 2 2066 157.95 7.00 - 18.00 Ezio Milvo 1979 1858 214.68 239.44
2008-05-17 Torino 2008 1 2122 165.82 1.00 - 24.00 Paolo Paglianti 2146 2064 161.16 174.02
2008-04-12 Milan I 2008 4 2210 180.16 7.00 - 18.00 Stefano Grombi 2152 2113 139.23 146.54
2008-04-12 Milan I 2008 3 2282 199.33 13.00 - 12.00 Enrico Paulatto 2237 2227 196.76 221.01
2008-04-12 Milan I 2008 2 2293 225.03 22.00 - 3.00 Riccardo Marchesi 2071 2123 213.46 240.42
2008-04-12 Milan I 2008 1 2234 259.63 22.00 - 3.00 Lorenzo Mele 2216 2299 174.27 182.84
Starting 2000 300.00
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