Neil Fox

Post Match Opponent(s) Rating Reliability
Date Competition Round Rating Reliability Score Name New Previous New Previous
2012-03-10 Italian DBMM Team Championship 2012 4 2128 87.96 11.00 - 14.00 Enzo Megale 2078 2067 112.29 117.92
2012-03-10 Italian DBMM Team Championship 2012 3 2134 90.46 13.00 - 12.00 Mike Pickering 2026 2025 33.47 33.60
2012-03-10 Italian DBMM Team Championship 2012 2 2141 93.31 23.00 - 2.00 David Houston 2081 2086 47.38 47.78
2012-03-10 Italian DBMM Team Championship 2012 1 2123 96.74 25.00 - 0.00 Simone Fantini 1892 N/A 235.51 N/A
2011-04-16 Challenge 2011 5 2108 98.67 13.00 - 12.00 Ian Austin 2163 2164 42.55 42.83
2011-04-16 Challenge 2011 4 2102 102.69 14.00 - 11.00 Steve Rathgay 1979 1978 47.62 47.98
2011-04-16 Challenge 2011 3 2109 106.74 14.00 - 11.00 Graham Lock 2042 2041 79.81 81.68
2011-04-16 Challenge 2011 2 2111 111.60 12.00 - 13.00 Mike Pickering 2012 2011 39.35 39.55
2011-04-16 Challenge 2011 1 2124 117.10 25.00 - 0.00 Adrian Coombs-Hoar 1866 1870 57.68 58.16
2011-01-28 Swabian Open 2011 4 2108 121.56 9.00 - 16.00 Jann Bengen 2204 2201 171.62 191.63
2011-01-28 Swabian Open 2011 3 2110 127.08 25.00 - 0.00 Valerio Toscanl 1950 2036 190.97 221.03
2011-01-28 Swabian Open 2011 2 2076 133.13 25.00 - 0.00 Norbert Bausch 1797 1865 218.46 254.36
2011-01-28 Swabian Open 2011 1 2052 138.42 2.00 - 23.00 Gael Richard 2074 2058 80.26 82.04
2009-09-06 R4 Northern League 15mm 2009 2 2103 149.82 32.00 - 0.00 Geoff Pearson 1923 1933 64.23 65.10
Brian Pierpoint 2085 2095 64.23 65.10
2009-09-06 R4 Northern League 15mm 2009 1 2045 165.15 35.00 - 0.00 John Saunders 1768 1779 96.78 98.90
2008-02-09 Bad Urach 2008 4 2013 178.05 5.00 - 20.00 Stefano Grombi 2061 2001 178.08 197.04
2008-02-09 Bad Urach 2008 3 2073 197.00 20.00 - 5.00 Dennis Peroni 2017 2091 197.00 221.03
2008-02-09 Bad Urach 2008 2 1999 221.03 25.00 - 0.00 Juergen Beissel 1786 1898 221.03 254.36
2008-02-09 Bad Urach 2008 1 1887 254.36 2.00 - 23.00 Lorenzo Mele 2113 N/A 254.36 N/A
Starting 2000 300.00
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